android Programming Glossary: rx
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer for the baud rates and I've tried setting the bluetooth rx and tx pins as input output and output input. The Arduino is..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work CTRL 13 pbytes hdl 10 I DTUN_CLNT 21902 dtun rx signal DTUN_SIG_DM_RMT_SERVICE_CHANNEL id 42 len 15 I DTUN_HCID.. 17 pbytes hdl 14 I BTL_IFC 23605 btl_ifc_ctrl_rx BTL_IFC CTRL recv BTLIF_BTS_RFC_LISTEN_RSP null 19 pbytes hdl.. CTRL 12 pbytes hdl 10 I DTUN_CLNT 21902 dtun rx signal DTUN_SIG_DM_SDP_REC_HANDLE id 50 len 14 I DTUN_HCID 21902..
OpenGL ES - texture map all faces of an 8 vertex cube? rotation before drawing gl.glTranslatef x y z gl.glRotatef rx 1 0 0 gl.glRotatef ry 0 1 0 gl.glRotatef rz 0 0 1 gl.glDrawElements..
how to measure upload/download speed and latency in android wifi connection double TimeDifference AfterTime BeforeTime double rxDiff TotalRxAfterTest TotalRxBeforeTest double txDiff TotalTxAfterTest.. double txDiff TotalTxAfterTest TotalTxBeforeTest if rxDiff 0 txDiff 0 double rxBPS rxDiff TimeDifference 1000 total.. TotalTxBeforeTest if rxDiff 0 txDiff 0 double rxBPS rxDiff TimeDifference 1000 total rx bytes per second. double..
Android OpenGL 3D picking fashion Code is as follows public float unproject float rx float ry float rz TODO Factor in projection matrix float modelInv.. 1 float vw viewport 2 float vh viewport 3 float rhsVec 2 rx vx vw 1 2 ry vy vh 1 2 rz 1 1 android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMV.. like so float xyzw 0 0 0 0 android.opengl.GLU.gluUnProject rx ry rz mg.mModelView 0 mg.mProjection 0 this.viewport 0 xyzw..
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer delay 500 digitalWrite 53 LOW I've tried using 115200 and 9600 for the baud rates and I've tried setting the bluetooth rx and tx pins as input output and output input. The Arduino is receiving serial data from the PC but can't send it to the..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work I BTL IFS 21889 send_ctrl_msg BTL_IFS CTRL send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT CTRL 13 pbytes hdl 10 I DTUN_CLNT 21902 dtun rx signal DTUN_SIG_DM_RMT_SERVICE_CHANNEL id 42 len 15 I DTUN_HCID 21902 dtun_dm_sig_rmt_service_channel success 1 service.. I BTL IFS 21889 send_ctrl_msg BTL_IFS CTRL send BTLIF_BTS_RFC_LISTEN_RSP 17 pbytes hdl 14 I BTL_IFC 23605 btl_ifc_ctrl_rx BTL_IFC CTRL recv BTLIF_BTS_RFC_LISTEN_RSP null 19 pbytes hdl 28 I BLZ20_WRAPPER 23605 btlif_ctrl_callback btlif_ctrl_callback.. 4 I BTL IFS 21889 send_ctrl_msg BTL_IFS CTRL send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT CTRL 12 pbytes hdl 10 I DTUN_CLNT 21902 dtun rx signal DTUN_SIG_DM_SDP_REC_HANDLE id 50 len 14 I DTUN_HCID 21902 dtun_dm_sig_sdp_rec_handle handle 0x10006 D BluetoothService..
OpenGL ES - texture map all faces of an 8 vertex cube? 2 GL10.GL_FLOAT 0 textureBuffer Translation and rotation before drawing gl.glTranslatef x y z gl.glRotatef rx 1 0 0 gl.glRotatef ry 0 1 0 gl.glRotatef rz 0 0 1 gl.glDrawElements GL10.GL_TRIANGLES numOfIndices GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT..
how to measure upload/download speed and latency in android wifi connection TrafficStats.getTotalRxBytes long AfterTime System.currentTimeMillis double TimeDifference AfterTime BeforeTime double rxDiff TotalRxAfterTest TotalRxBeforeTest double txDiff TotalTxAfterTest TotalTxBeforeTest if rxDiff 0 txDiff 0 double rxBPS.. BeforeTime double rxDiff TotalRxAfterTest TotalRxBeforeTest double txDiff TotalTxAfterTest TotalTxBeforeTest if rxDiff 0 txDiff 0 double rxBPS rxDiff TimeDifference 1000 total rx bytes per second. double txBPS txDiff TimeDifference 1000.. rxDiff TotalRxAfterTest TotalRxBeforeTest double txDiff TotalTxAfterTest TotalTxBeforeTest if rxDiff 0 txDiff 0 double rxBPS rxDiff TimeDifference 1000 total rx bytes per second. double txBPS txDiff TimeDifference 1000 total tx bytes per second...
Android OpenGL 3D picking to really be what they use to draw to the screen in some fashion Code is as follows public float unproject float rx float ry float rz TODO Factor in projection matrix float modelInv new float 16 if android.opengl.Matrix.invertM modelInv.. result new float 4 float vx viewport 0 float vy viewport 1 float vw viewport 2 float vh viewport 3 float rhsVec 2 rx vx vw 1 2 ry vy vh 1 2 rz 1 1 android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMV result 0 combo 0 rhsVec 0 float d 1 result 3 float endResult.. then divide all the resulting coordinates by the 4th one like so float xyzw 0 0 0 0 android.opengl.GLU.gluUnProject rx ry rz mg.mModelView 0 mg.mProjection 0 this.viewport 0 xyzw 0 xyzw 0 xyzw 3 xyzw 1 xyzw 3 xyzw 2 xyzw 3 xyzw 3 xyzw 3 xyzw..