android Programming Glossary: quoted
Application works in debug / run from Eclipse, but .APK gives .classNotFoundException when parsing XML layout that contains a custom View project. The configuration file I was previously using as quoted in my original question was one that I had to add to the project..
Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before? It would fail without giving any of the error log that I quoted above. android adt proguard share improve this question ..
How to connect wii balance board with android to read information from the wii controller and nunchuck quoted below with thanks to @Ben Mordue Have a look at this open source..
How and what to set to Android WifiConfiguration.preSharedKey to connect to the WPA2 PSK WiFi network WifiConfiguration wc new WifiConfiguration This is must be quoted according to the documentation http reference..
Android: Custom Keyboard built in an application the real reason behind the original question . As is quoted in the original question If you need some app specific input..
Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one generated one. Compuser7 With respect to the comment quoted above is indeed an automatically generated class that..
“Could not find the XXX.apk” message in console while starting application with an Android lib linked message from the Android developers group Lance Nanek is quoted as pointing out that having a project dependency in the Java..
Android: copy database from asset folder, but only get an empty file tutorial to do it I can only get an empty file. I quoted the part of copyDataBase method and there is no difference...
Adding Overlay to OSMDROID was written. If you are basing your app on the code as quoted in the previous answer then change the line mResourceProxy new..
Launch a script as root through ADB
Application works in debug / run from Eclipse, but .APK gives .classNotFoundException when parsing XML layout that contains a custom View default proguard.cfg file taken from a freshly created test project. The configuration file I was previously using as quoted in my original question was one that I had to add to the project manually a short time back because it was missing. I am..
Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before? in libraryjars lines but Proguard's behavior only got worse It would fail without giving any of the error log that I quoted above. android adt proguard share improve this question Problem solved. After much search for clues here in SO I finally..
How to connect wii balance board with android found this answer useful Is it possible for an android device to read information from the wii controller and nunchuck quoted below with thanks to @Ben Mordue Have a look at this open source project http p android bluez ime Update..
How and what to set to Android WifiConfiguration.preSharedKey to connect to the WPA2 PSK WiFi network wifi WifiManager getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE WifiConfiguration wc new WifiConfiguration This is must be quoted according to the documentation http reference android net wifi WifiConfiguration.html#SSID wc.SSID..
Android: Custom Keyboard built in an application to this to that extent that it is even possible to understand the real reason behind the original question . As is quoted in the original question If you need some app specific input you should build it into your UI rather than pushing it out..
Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one again. Neither is it allowing me to edited the automatically generated one. Compuser7 With respect to the comment quoted above is indeed an automatically generated class that contains references to all the resources in the res folder..
“Could not find the XXX.apk” message in console while starting application with an Android lib linked android eclipse share improve this question In this message from the Android developers group Lance Nanek is quoted as pointing out that having a project dependency in the Java Build Path section of an Android project causes this problem..
Android: copy database from asset folder, but only get an empty file blog using your own sqlite database in android applications tutorial to do it I can only get an empty file. I quoted the part of copyDataBase method and there is no difference. Every time the app start it will create the directory and empty..
Adding Overlay to OSMDROID and 3.0.4 seem to have changed a bit since the sample code was written. If you are basing your app on the code as quoted in the previous answer then change the line mResourceProxy new ResourceProxyImpl getApplicationContext to mResourceProxy..
Launch a script as root through ADB