android Programming Glossary: quickcontactbadge
Overriding referenced style attributes listPreferredItemHeight android orientation horizontal QuickContactBadge android id @ id contactPic style @style ContactPicStyle CheckedTextView..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask viewHolder new ViewHolder viewHolder.contactBadge QuickContactBadge convertView.findViewById return viewHolder.. endregion region Inner Classes private class ViewHolder QuickContactBadge contactBadge int position private class AddressFetcherTask extends.. viewHolder new ViewHolder viewHolder.contactBadge QuickContactBadge convertView.findViewById return viewHolder..
How do I load a contact Photo? for the lazy developer. The class below takes a Context QuickContactBadge and a telephone number and will attach a locally stored image.. ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo.PHOTO private final QuickContactBadge badge private final String phoneNumber private final ContentResolver.. public QuickContactHelper final Context context final QuickContactBadge badge final String phoneNumber this.badge badge this.phoneNumber..
Load contact photo in a listview performance view.findViewById viewHolder.qcBadge QuickContactBadge view.findViewById view.setTag viewHolder else..
Overriding referenced style attributes layout_height wrap_content android minHeight android attr listPreferredItemHeight android orientation horizontal QuickContactBadge android id @ id contactPic style @style ContactPicStyle CheckedTextView android id @ id contactInfo style @style ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask private ViewHolder bindUIElements View convertView ViewHolder viewHolder new ViewHolder viewHolder.contactBadge QuickContactBadge convertView.findViewById return viewHolder private ViewHolder setupViewHolder View convertView ViewHolder.. mContactPicLayoutParams return viewHolder endregion region Inner Classes private class ViewHolder QuickContactBadge contactBadge int position private class AddressFetcherTask extends AsyncTask String Void Integer private ViewHolder mViewHolder.. private ViewHolder bindUIElements View convertView ViewHolder viewHolder new ViewHolder viewHolder.contactBadge QuickContactBadge convertView.findViewById return viewHolder private ViewHolder setupViewHolder View convertView ViewHolder..
How do I load a contact Photo? worked at all and none that provided a good canned solution for the lazy developer. The class below takes a Context QuickContactBadge and a telephone number and will attach a locally stored image to the badge if there is one available for the specified phone.. static final String PHOTO_BITMAP_PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo.PHOTO private final QuickContactBadge badge private final String phoneNumber private final ContentResolver contentResolver public QuickContactHelper final Context.. String phoneNumber private final ContentResolver contentResolver public QuickContactHelper final Context context final QuickContactBadge badge final String phoneNumber this.badge badge this.phoneNumber phoneNumber contentResolver context.getContentResolver..
Load contact photo in a listview performance view.findViewById viewHolder.tvPhoneNo TextView view.findViewById viewHolder.qcBadge QuickContactBadge view.findViewById view.setTag viewHolder else viewHolder ViewHolder view.getTag ContactsBook cb mContacts.get..