android Programming Glossary: quicker
Unable to resolve target 'android-16' ADT as well but I could not figure it out and this was quicker Furthermore you have to update your manifest as well make sure..
setSelection on Spinner based on rowId cursor.getLong cursor.getColumnIndex _id There might be a quicker way to do it but that's always worked for me. share improve..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox context We keep this ViewHolder object to save time. It's quicker than findViewById when repainting. static class ViewHolder protected..
how to customize listview row android ArrayList String data Caches the LayoutInflater for quicker use this.inflater LayoutInflater.from context Sets the events..
Android file copy on the SD card is rather slow. I imagine that it might be quicker if the file is in internal memory so I want to copy files from..
Apache http client or URLConnection Java libraries. However I would find HttpClient code much quicker and easier to write and maintain. According to a comments below..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? goes south I observed that rebooting a phone is far far quicker using reboot in a terminal adb shell or ConnectBot for instance..
Need a Fragments Example can just put into Eclipse and have it run. I usually learn quicker if I have a basic example in front of me that I can play with..
Unable to resolve target 'android-16' that is android 17 . I guess it can be configured using Android ADT as well but I could not figure it out and this was quicker Furthermore you have to update your manifest as well make sure you have android targetSdkVersion set to 17. share improve..
setSelection on Spinner based on rowId
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox objects super context textViewResourceId objects myContext context We keep this ViewHolder object to save time. It's quicker than findViewById when repainting. static class ViewHolder protected DataHolder data protected TextView text protected Spinner..
how to customize listview row android private ArrayList String data public MyAdapter Context context ArrayList String data Caches the LayoutInflater for quicker use this.inflater LayoutInflater.from context Sets the events data data public int getCount return
Android file copy am finding that reading one line at a time from a text file on the SD card is rather slow. I imagine that it might be quicker if the file is in internal memory so I want to copy files from the SD card to internal storage. The file copy examples I..
Apache http client or URLConnection faster as the HttpClient is built on top of the standard Java libraries. However I would find HttpClient code much quicker and easier to write and maintain. According to a comments below the core elements of HttpClient have been performance optimised...
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? application and sometimes I need to reboot when everything goes south I observed that rebooting a phone is far far quicker using reboot in a terminal adb shell or ConnectBot for instance than going through the usual of rebooting with the ACTION_REBOOT..
Need a Fragments Example at android 3.0 and I can't find a Fragments example that I can just put into Eclipse and have it run. I usually learn quicker if I have a basic example in front of me that I can play with and screw up and learn from etc. So can anyone point me to..