android Programming Glossary: overlaypaint
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask mRun false private boolean surfaceDone false private Paint overlayPaint private int overlayTextColor private int overlayBackgroundColor.. 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException e e.getStackTrace Log.d TAG.. new MjpegViewThread holder context setFocusable true overlayPaint new Paint overlayPaint.setTextAlign Paint.Align.LEFT overlayPaint.setTextSize..
Android and MJPEG mRun false private boolean surfaceDone false private Paint overlayPaint private int overlayTextColor private int overlayBackgroundColor.. 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException e finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost.. new MjpegViewThread holder context setFocusable true overlayPaint new Paint overlayPaint.setTextAlign Paint.Align.LEFT overlayPaint.setTextSize..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask mIn null private boolean showFps false private boolean mRun false private boolean surfaceDone false private Paint overlayPaint private int overlayTextColor private int overlayBackgroundColor private int ovlPos private int dispWidth private int dispHeight.. 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException e e.getStackTrace Log.d TAG catch IOException hit in run e finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost.. SurfaceHolder holder getHolder holder.addCallback this thread new MjpegViewThread holder context setFocusable true overlayPaint new Paint overlayPaint.setTextAlign Paint.Align.LEFT overlayPaint.setTextSize 12 overlayPaint.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT..
Android and MJPEG mIn null private boolean showFps false private boolean mRun false private boolean surfaceDone false private Paint overlayPaint private int overlayTextColor private int overlayBackgroundColor private int ovlPos private int dispWidth private int dispHeight.. 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException e finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost c private void init Context context.. SurfaceHolder holder getHolder holder.addCallback this thread new MjpegViewThread holder context setFocusable true overlayPaint new Paint overlayPaint.setTextAlign Paint.Align.LEFT overlayPaint.setTextSize 12 overlayPaint.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT..