android Programming Glossary: outside
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? Picker Cancel Expected Pressing the BACK key or clicking outside the dialog should do nothing . Pressing Cancel should print.. Picker Set . Current Pressing the BACK key or clicking outside the dialog prints Picker Set . Pressing Cancel prints Picker..
How to change colors of a Drawable in Android? that has a white circle in the middle and that everything outside the circle is transparent. What's the best way to turn that..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps endPress break default break else If the touch goes outside of the view's area like when moving finger out of the pressed..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? mingled in one setup. This concept did not catch on much outside of language extensions to apps e.g. VBA in Excel LISP in AutoCAD..
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package here . Note I want to access this information from outside the Android environment preferably from Java. android android..
What permission do I need to access Internet from an android application? uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET outside the application tag in your AndroidManifest.xml share improve..
Focusable EditText inside ListView caused focus to jump from the EditText to another widget outside of the ListView back to the ListView and displayed the selector..
Android popup window dismissal true if you want it to go away when the user clicks outside of the window boundaries. Extended esoteric answer The reason..
Defining custom attrs inside of a declare styleable element it can be used outside of it and you cannot create another attribute with the same..
how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText? to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText Ok everyone knows that to hide a keyboard you need.. on my parent Activity but that only works if user touches outside any other view and there is no scrollview. I tried to implement..
How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh animation on the ListView is an easy task. Another view outside the ListView but I need to take care of moving the ListView..
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin sides which can be independent . Margins are the spaces outside the border between the border and the other elements next to.. to this view. In the image the margin is the grey area outside the entire object. Note that like the padding the margin goes..
getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext() the difference in the first place. Are there cases outside a test suite where both calls may come back with different objects..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? database changes Android will request Sync for you even outside your normal schedule so that those changes get taken off the..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? have no idea how to close them from such a singleton class outside of my app's workflow. How to notify the user that a backup is..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? Because of this directly calling methods on the fragments outside of the adapter is not guaranteed to be valid because they may..
RadioGroup with two columns which have ten RadioButtons unable to achieve it. Things I have tried RelativeLayout Outside RadioGroup Inside RadioGroup . All RadioButtons are selected..
How To: Voice Commands into an android application Remember to setContentView for the xml you are showing. Outside of your oncreate make a new method that looks like this. public..
Approach for fixing NoClassDefFoundError? [duplicate] avoid the problem It is possible desirable and necessary. Outside of Eclipse you just put the JARs you need in libs in your project..
getString Outside of a Context or Activity Outside of a Context or Activity I've found the R.string pretty awesome..
How to crop image in android Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return Toast.makeText this Outside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase..
A few questions about SQLite database cursors in Android should I call a .close on the cursor when I'm done with it Outside of fetchTodo scope of course example Cursor cursor mNotesAdapter.fetchTodo..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus is no reason to ever use that tag in a fragment's layout. Outside of a fragment maybe.. but not within. In the code I've added..
Actions of Actors in libgdx on how to take advantage of the action and act methods. Outside of the basic Javadoc I have not found a good tutorials on these..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which Log.d Picker Cancel Expected Pressing the BACK key or clicking outside the dialog should do nothing . Pressing Cancel should print Picker Cancel . Pressing Set should print Picker Set . Current.. Cancel should print Picker Cancel . Pressing Set should print Picker Set . Current Pressing the BACK key or clicking outside the dialog prints Picker Set . Pressing Cancel prints Picker Cancel and then Picker Set . Pressing Set prints Picker Set..
How to change colors of a Drawable in Android? can use it later. So for example say I have a 20x20 PNG file that has a white circle in the middle and that everything outside the circle is transparent. What's the best way to turn that white circle blue and cache the results Does the answer change..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps confirmClickRunnable 150 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL endPress break default break else If the touch goes outside of the view's area like when moving finger out of the pressed button just release the press endPress return false private..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? Smalltalk had the application and the development tools co mingled in one setup. This concept did not catch on much outside of language extensions to apps e.g. VBA in Excel LISP in AutoCAD . Developers who came up with mental models that presumed..
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package SDK This binary format is not discussed in the in the documentation here . Note I want to access this information from outside the Android environment preferably from Java. android android manifest share improve this question There is an application..
What permission do I need to access Internet from an android application?
Focusable EditText inside ListView calls I got the correct behavior but setItemsCanFocus false caused focus to jump from the EditText to another widget outside of the ListView back to the ListView and displayed the selector on the next selected item and that jumping focus was distracting...
Android popup window dismissal You might also need to call PopupWindow#setOutsideTouchable true if you want it to go away when the user clicks outside of the window boundaries. Extended esoteric answer The reason the background cannot be null is because of what happens in..
Defining custom attrs namespace. That means that even if you create a new attribute inside of a declare styleable element it can be used outside of it and you cannot create another attribute with the same name of a different type. An attr element has two xml attributes..
how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText? to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText Ok everyone knows that to hide a keyboard you need to implement InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService.. EditBox or the softKeyboard I tried to use the onTouchEvent on my parent Activity but that only works if user touches outside any other view and there is no scrollview. I tried to implement a touch click focus listener without any success. I even..
How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh I don't think scrolling back to item position 1 0 based with animation on the ListView is an easy task. Another view outside the ListView but I need to take care of moving the ListView position down when it is pulled and I'm not sure if we can detect..
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin the content there is padding on the top bottom right and left sides which can be independent . Margins are the spaces outside the border between the border and the other elements next to this view. In the image the margin is the grey area outside.. the border between the border and the other elements next to this view. In the image the margin is the grey area outside the entire object. Note that like the padding the margin goes completely around the content there are margins on the top..
getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext() by Android . Is that a bug Is it on purpose I don't even understand the difference in the first place. Are there cases outside a test suite where both calls may come back with different objects When and why Moreover why is getApplication defined on..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? ListView just updates automatically. Awesome. Also when the database changes Android will request Sync for you even outside your normal schedule so that those changes get taken off the device and synced to the server as rapidly as possible. Also..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? the following topics Open databases and transactions. I have no idea how to close them from such a singleton class outside of my app's workflow. How to notify the user that a backup is in progress and the database is locked. It might take a long..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? This is controlled by ViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit int . Because of this directly calling methods on the fragments outside of the adapter is not guaranteed to be valid because they may not even be alive. To cut a long story short your solution..
RadioGroup with two columns which have ten RadioButtons next to each other in two columns and five rows and I am unable to achieve it. Things I have tried RelativeLayout Outside RadioGroup Inside RadioGroup . All RadioButtons are selected but I want only one to be selected. RadioGroup orientation..
How To: Voice Commands into an android application also add this method we will set it up next voiceinputbuttons Remember to setContentView for the xml you are showing. Outside of your oncreate make a new method that looks like this. public void voiceinputbuttons speakButton Button findViewById
Approach for fixing NoClassDefFoundError? [duplicate] possible or desirable to statically bind at compile time to avoid the problem It is possible desirable and necessary. Outside of Eclipse you just put the JARs you need in libs in your project compile with Ant and you are done. Inside of Eclipse one..
getString Outside of a Context or Activity Outside of a Context or Activity I've found the R.string pretty awesome for keeping hardcoded strings out of my code and I'd like..
How to crop image in android if isFinishing Toast.makeText this Inside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return Toast.makeText this Outside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase mBitmap true Util.startBackgroundJob this null..
A few questions about SQLite database cursors in Android or even the CursorLoader for that matter should I call a .close on the cursor when I'm done with it Outside of fetchTodo scope of course example Cursor cursor mNotesAdapter.fetchTodo do something... cursor.close I'm done with this..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus layout will most call requestFocus too early. There is no reason to ever use that tag in a fragment's layout. Outside of a fragment maybe.. but not within. In the code I've added an EditText to the top of the fragment just for testing tap..
Actions of Actors in libgdx of Actors in libgdx I have made my Actor but I am unclear on how to take advantage of the action and act methods. Outside of the basic Javadoc I have not found a good tutorials on these methods. Can anyone provide an example with comments for..