android Programming Glossary: overloaded
Upload an Image from camera or gallery in WebView and WebChromeClient new WebChromeClient Other overloaded functions See http a 15423907 375093 for full..
Android: SQLite one-to-many design to populate a primitive fields with ContentValues#put overloaded methods but I'm out of luck for the list. So currently since..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml to create an attrs object to pass through to the overloaded constructor often seen in xml based custom components. I've..
Changing gradient background colors on Android at runtime to forget about XML but here's how I did it On my getView overloaded function ListAdapter I just had to int h v.getHeight ShapeDrawable..
Android Fragment (with Compatibility Package on 2.3.3) creates “Specified child already has a parent error” ... at some point. If so you need to use the overloaded version and pass attachToRoot as false as the View will be added..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() in Skia Lib part of Android but they both call different overloaded form. Digging further into Skia I see that both calls result..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment of a Fragment but I could also this by creating an overloaded constructor for the Fragment. The question from myself and others..
Upload an Image from camera or gallery in WebView of the code The important parts of this solution are in WebViewClient and WebChromeClient new WebChromeClient Other overloaded functions See http a 15423907 375093 for full explanation The undocumented magic method override Eclipse..
Android: SQLite one-to-many design ContentValues generated off the current object. It's trivial to populate a primitive fields with ContentValues#put overloaded methods but I'm out of luck for the list. So currently since my 2nd table row is just a single String value I generate a..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml constructor i.e. new MyComponent context rather than attempting to create an attrs object to pass through to the overloaded constructor often seen in xml based custom components. I've tried to create an attrs object and it doesn't seem either easy..
Changing gradient background colors on Android at runtime drawable share improve this question Yes Found a way Had to forget about XML but here's how I did it On my getView overloaded function ListAdapter I just had to int h v.getHeight ShapeDrawable mDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RectShape mDrawable.getPaint..
Android Fragment (with Compatibility Package on 2.3.3) creates “Specified child already has a parent error” Fragment I'm guessing that you are calling LayoutInflater.inflate ... at some point. If so you need to use the overloaded version and pass attachToRoot as false as the View will be added to the hierachy in the Fragment.replace ... call so should..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() some param checks both call function SkPaint measureText in Skia Lib part of Android but they both call different overloaded form. Digging further into Skia I see that both calls result into same computation in same function only return result differently...
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment newInstance method to give flexibility when creating new instances of a Fragment but I could also this by creating an overloaded constructor for the Fragment. The question from myself and others in my city have we missed something What are the benefits..