android Programming Glossary: onserviceconnected
AccessibilityService is started but does not receive AccessibilityEvents on JellyBean this event @Override protected void onServiceConnected if isInit return SettingsClass.logMe tag We are connected AccessibilityServiceInfo..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB @Override public void onServiceConnected int profile BluetoothProfile proxy Log.d TAG Profile listener.. profile BluetoothProfile proxy Log.d TAG Profile listener onServiceConnected NON NLS 1 mBluetoothHeadset is just a headset profile it does..
Android - Service wont stop? that I should put in to help stop the service EDIT to add onServiceConnected gets called when stopService is run instead of onServiceDisconnected..
How do I bind this service in Android? implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder boundService public void onServiceDisconnected.. className Can someone tell me what code I put into onServiceConnected and onServiceDisconnected I just want a basic connection so..
onServiceConnected never called after bindService method never called after bindService method I have a particular situation.. in fact throws a null pointer exception because onServiceConnected is never called while onBind method of the service is. Anyway.. bindService can't throw a NullPointerException because onServiceConnected isn't called. The call to onServiceConnected is a product of..
Android Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered ... always returns false and there is ServiceConnection onServiceConnected is also never called. I understand that Context bindService..
Android how do I wait until a service is actually connected? the ServiceConnection object sc I did this public void onServiceConnected ComponentName name IBinder service Log.w XXX onServiceConnected.. ComponentName name IBinder service Log.w XXX onServiceConnected downloader IDownloaderService.Stub.asInterface service ... By.. if bindService ... actually goes BEFORE ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected is being called that is when downloader is still null which..
Restful API service implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder boundService restfulService..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service mService new Messenger..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder rawBinder appService MPService.LocalBinder..
How to change a TextView every second in Android onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder rawBinder appService MPService.LocalBinder..
Android:sound pool and service mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service We've bound to LocalService..
NullPointerException when calling service in onResume will happen when it happens. You cannot doSomething until onServiceConnected is called and onServiceConnected may not have been called by.. cannot doSomething until onServiceConnected is called and onServiceConnected may not have been called by the time onResume is called. And..
Detect a new Android notification event.getPackageName @Override protected void onServiceConnected if isInit return AccessibilityServiceInfo info new AccessibilityServiceInfo..
AccessibilityService is started but does not receive AccessibilityEvents on JellyBean event SettingsClass.logMe tag New event new AccessibilityProcessing this event @Override protected void onServiceConnected if isInit return SettingsClass.logMe tag We are connected AccessibilityServiceInfo info new AccessibilityServiceInfo info.eventTypes..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset 1 stopBluetooth11 @SuppressWarnings synthetic access @TargetApi Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB @Override public void onServiceConnected int profile BluetoothProfile proxy Log.d TAG Profile listener onServiceConnected NON NLS 1 mBluetoothHeadset is just a.. @Override public void onServiceConnected int profile BluetoothProfile proxy Log.d TAG Profile listener onServiceConnected NON NLS 1 mBluetoothHeadset is just a headset profile it does not represent a headset device. mBluetoothHeadset BluetoothHeadset..
Android - Service wont stop? Service is not called. Is there anything else I am missing that I should put in to help stop the service EDIT to add onServiceConnected gets called when stopService is run instead of onServiceDisconnected why would that be happening EDIT To add more info regards..
How do I bind this service in Android? my question is...what goes inside the Connection class HelloServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder boundService public void onServiceDisconnected ComponentName className Can someone tell.. boundService public void onServiceDisconnected ComponentName className Can someone tell me what code I put into onServiceConnected and onServiceDisconnected I just want a basic connection so that my Activity and Service can talk to each other. Edit I..
onServiceConnected never called after bindService method never called after bindService method I have a particular situation a service started by a broadcast receiver starts an.. for bindService method called in onCreate of the activity. bindService in fact throws a null pointer exception because onServiceConnected is never called while onBind method of the service is. Anyway bindService returns true. The service is obviously active.. you don't supply a Service or a ServiceConnection listener. bindService can't throw a NullPointerException because onServiceConnected isn't called. The call to onServiceConnected is a product of bindService . So I guess you are calling a AIDL method before..
Android Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered Service example provided by Google but my Context bindService ... always returns false and there is ServiceConnection onServiceConnected is also never called. I understand that Context bindService returns immediately but my ServiceConnection object is never..
Android how do I wait until a service is actually connected? if bindService serviceIntent sc BIND_AUTO_CREATE ... and within the ServiceConnection object sc I did this public void onServiceConnected ComponentName name IBinder service Log.w XXX onServiceConnected downloader IDownloaderService.Stub.asInterface service ..... the ServiceConnection object sc I did this public void onServiceConnected ComponentName name IBinder service Log.w XXX onServiceConnected downloader IDownloaderService.Stub.asInterface service ... By adding all kinds of Log.xx I found that the code after if.. By adding all kinds of Log.xx I found that the code after if bindService ... actually goes BEFORE ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected is being called that is when downloader is still null which gets me into trouble. All the samples in ApiDemos avoid this..
Restful API service service not bound Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show class RestfulServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder boundService restfulService IRestfulService.Stub.asInterface IBinder boundService try restfulService.registerCallback..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging str1 break default super.handleMessage msg private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service mService new Messenger service textStatus.setText Attached. try Message msg Message.obtain..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” SeekBar progress private MediaPlayer mp ... private ServiceConnection onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder rawBinder appService MPService.LocalBinder rawBinder .getService service that handles the..
How to change a TextView every second in Android this minutes 60 seconds 1 1000 private ServiceConnection onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder rawBinder appService MPService.LocalBinder rawBinder .getService start playing the song..
Android:sound pool and service for service binding passed to bindService private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder service We've bound to LocalService cast the IBinder and get LocalService instance LocalBinder..
NullPointerException when calling service in onResume of onResume The call to bindService is asynchronous. It will happen when it happens. You cannot doSomething until onServiceConnected is called and onServiceConnected may not have been called by the time onResume is called. And if get on fooService is doing.. is asynchronous. It will happen when it happens. You cannot doSomething until onServiceConnected is called and onServiceConnected may not have been called by the time onResume is called. And if get on fooService is doing network I O you need to rewrite..
Detect a new Android notification something eg getting packagename final String packagename String.valueOf event.getPackageName @Override protected void onServiceConnected if isInit return AccessibilityServiceInfo info new AccessibilityServiceInfo info.eventTypes AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_NOTIFICATION_STATE_CHANGED..