android Programming Glossary: onrestoreinstancestate
Saving Activity state in Android Pair map and it will get passed in to onCreate and also onRestoreInstanceState where you'd extract the values like this @Override public void.. you'd extract the values like this @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState.. onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState...
OAuth instance state in Android and provider. I tried using onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState but haven't been successful. It seems the onRestoreInstanceState.. but haven't been successful. It seems the onRestoreInstanceState is not called when my callback url is handled. Seems to go straight..
ScrollView .scrollTo not working? Saving ScrollView position on rotation change... Here is the code for my onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState.. sView is the container for the ScrollView layout. Within my.. super.onSaveInstanceState outState @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState.. onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState sViewX savedInstanceState.getInt sViewX sViewY..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes do this by implementing View#onSaveInstanceState and View#onRestoreInstanceState and extending the View.BaseSavedState class. public class CustomView.. this.stateToSave return ss @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Parcelable state begin boilerplate code so parent classes can.. can restore state if state instanceof SavedState super.onRestoreInstanceState state return SavedState ss SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState..
onSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState I'm trying to save and restore the state of an Activity using.. of an Activity using the methods onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState . The problem is that it never enters the onRestoreInstanceState.. . The problem is that it never enters the onRestoreInstanceState method. Can anyone explain to me why this is android activity..
Simulate killing of activity in emulator emulator I would like to test out onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState for my app on the emulator. I have found this which says that..
android fragment onRestoreInstanceState fragment onRestoreInstanceState Am I missing something or do Fragment s not have a onRestoreInstanceState.. Am I missing something or do Fragment s not have a onRestoreInstanceState method If not how do I go about attaining something similar.. share improve this question Fragments do not have an onRestoreInstanceState method. You can achieve the same result in onActivityCreated..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card getClass .getSimpleName SHUTTER CALLBACK protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState.. onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState protected void onResume Log.e getClass .getSimpleName..
Best practice: AsyncTask during orientation change instance. Some method used in the shelves project via onRestoreInstanceState Some code examples Android AsyncTasks during a screen rotation..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss and be resurrected if I ever Back to them via onCreate and onRestoreInstanceState . Let alone this even if I do P1 B1 Back B1 Back B1 I still..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? re created afterwards. You should use onSaveInstanceState onRestoreInstanceState mechanism in your activity to preserve the image URI and any.. cameraImageUri mImageUri.toString @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState.. onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState if savedInstanceState.containsKey cameraImageUri..
Saving Activity state in Android The Bundle is essentially a way of storing a NVP Name Value Pair map and it will get passed in to onCreate and also onRestoreInstanceState where you'd extract the values like this @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState.. passed in to onCreate and also onRestoreInstanceState where you'd extract the values like this @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState... where you'd extract the values like this @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState. This bundle has also been passed to onCreate. boolean myBoolean..
OAuth instance state in Android correctly because I'm still working with the original consumer and provider. I tried using onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState but haven't been successful. It seems the onRestoreInstanceState is not called when my callback url is handled. Seems to.. and provider. I tried using onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState but haven't been successful. It seems the onRestoreInstanceState is not called when my callback url is handled. Seems to go straight to the onResume . What is the correct method for persisting..
ScrollView .scrollTo not working? Saving ScrollView position on rotation retain the scrollbar position of a ScrollView on orientation change... Here is the code for my onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState.. sView is the container for the ScrollView layout. Within my scrollview is a linearlayout with a lot of textviews. @Override.. sView.getScrollX outState.putInt sViewY sView.getScrollY super.onSaveInstanceState outState @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState sViewX savedInstanceState.getInt sViewX sViewY.. super.onSaveInstanceState outState @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState sViewX savedInstanceState.getInt sViewX sViewY savedInstanceState.getInt sViewY sView.scrollTo sViewX..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes state screen orientation share improve this question You do this by implementing View#onSaveInstanceState and View#onRestoreInstanceState and extending the View.BaseSavedState class. public class CustomView extends View private int stateToSave ... @Override.. SavedState ss new SavedState superState end ss.stateToSave this.stateToSave return ss @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Parcelable state begin boilerplate code so parent classes can restore state if state instanceof SavedState super.onRestoreInstanceState.. Parcelable state begin boilerplate code so parent classes can restore state if state instanceof SavedState super.onRestoreInstanceState state return SavedState ss SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState ss.getSuperState end this.stateToSave ss.stateToSave..
onSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState I'm trying to save and restore the state of an Activity using the methods onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState.. I'm trying to save and restore the state of an Activity using the methods onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState . The problem is that it never enters the onRestoreInstanceState method. Can anyone explain to me why this is android activity.. an Activity using the methods onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState . The problem is that it never enters the onRestoreInstanceState method. Can anyone explain to me why this is android activity states share improve this question Usually you restore..
Simulate killing of activity in emulator killing of activity in emulator I would like to test out onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState for my app on the emulator. I have found this which says that we could simulate this during orientation change but I'm storing..
android fragment onRestoreInstanceState fragment onRestoreInstanceState Am I missing something or do Fragment s not have a onRestoreInstanceState method If not how do I go about attaining something.. fragment onRestoreInstanceState Am I missing something or do Fragment s not have a onRestoreInstanceState method If not how do I go about attaining something similar android save state android fragments share improve this question.. something similar android save state android fragments share improve this question Fragments do not have an onRestoreInstanceState method. You can achieve the same result in onActivityCreated which receives a bundle with the saved instance state or null..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card new Camera.ShutterCallback public void onShutter Log.e getClass .getSimpleName SHUTTER CALLBACK protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState protected void onResume Log.e getClass .getSimpleName.. Log.e getClass .getSimpleName SHUTTER CALLBACK protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState protected void onResume Log.e getClass .getSimpleName onResume fromOnResume true super.onResume..
Best practice: AsyncTask during orientation change the task to the application class instead of the activity instance. Some method used in the shelves project via onRestoreInstanceState Some code examples Android AsyncTasks during a screen rotation Part I and Part II Can you help me to..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss crashes. I would expect these earlier activities to die and be resurrected if I ever Back to them via onCreate and onRestoreInstanceState . Let alone this even if I do P1 B1 Back B1 Back B1 I still get a crash. This indicates some sort of a memory leak yet even..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? gets destroyed during the Camera activity operation and re created afterwards. You should use onSaveInstanceState onRestoreInstanceState mechanism in your activity to preserve the image URI and any other data upon the activity restarts. Like this @Override.. outState if mImageUri null outState.putString cameraImageUri mImageUri.toString @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState if savedInstanceState.containsKey cameraImageUri.. cameraImageUri mImageUri.toString @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState if savedInstanceState.containsKey cameraImageUri mImageUri Uri.parse savedInstanceState.getString cameraImageUri..