android Programming Glossary: obfuscated
Are there any decent physics engines for Android? know why Dalvik would reject classes unless they were obfuscated with some tool. Did you try recompiling Box2d from source The..
Android Maps V2 MapView inside custom fragment (NPE) back and forth between my Fragment I eventually get an obfuscated NPE in onDestroy or in onResume methods. All the samples provided..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard I get obfuscated code. However the names of Android components remain unchanged..
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? blames Linux of course OpenRCE and Wikipedia's article on obfuscated code may be good starting points if you want to look into this..
Android Proguard, removing all Log statements and merging packages improve this question The option repackageclasses moves obfuscated classes into a single given package http
Proguard and reflection in Android to keep the constructor name init means constructor un obfuscated that has a single argument of Context and extends YourClassName..
How can I exclude external .jar from obfuscation by Proguard (Android project)? project with proguard.cfg all referenced .jar files are obfuscated as well. How can I exclude some of that .jars from obfuscation..
How to encrypt HTML+JS assets in Android Phonegap mobile app? to the original code using JSBeautifier firebug including obfuscated scripts etc... . So my question is is there some simple way..
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile same function semantics with the untreated codes. But the obfuscated codes are difficult to be decompiled i.e. the decompiled codes.. semantics. Theoretically if hackers have enough time obfuscated codes may still be cracked. Even some people are developing.. of obfuscation the mature of obfuscation theory obfuscated Java codes can well prevent decompilation. 5. Online Encryption..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? value obfuscate.absolute.dir original.jar property name obfuscated.jar.file value obfuscate.absolute.dir obfuscated.jar input.. name obfuscated.jar.file value obfuscate.absolute.dir obfuscated.jar input for dex will be proguard's output property name.. output property name out.dex.input.absolute.dir value obfuscated.jar.file Add Proguard Tasks property name proguard.jar location..
Securing media files in the mobile an hardcoded password can be hacked by digging into the obfuscated code and looking for strings. I don't know whether this would..
Proguard tells me 'Please correct the above warnings first.'. How to address references of external jars? private class members from being shrunk optimized obfuscated. This may cause some harmless notes about descriptor classes...
android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation with it the app is forced closed. Here's a logcat without obfuscated code of what happens right after market responds to the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS..
How to secure my app against piracy and online blogs describe how once the source code or even obfuscated source code is leaked once can merely add some of their own..
Are there any decent physics engines for Android? android physics engine share improve this question I don't know why Dalvik would reject classes unless they were obfuscated with some tool. Did you try recompiling Box2d from source The only other Java lib I've seen is http
Android Maps V2 MapView inside custom fragment (NPE) in a Fragment are similar to an Activity but when I switch back and forth between my Fragment I eventually get an obfuscated NPE in onDestroy or in onResume methods. All the samples provided use an Activity with a MapView but not a custom Fragment..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? with the Android SDK. When I reverse engineer an APK file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard I get obfuscated code. However the names of Android components remain unchanged and some code like key values used in the app remains unchanged...
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? will not run under VirtualBox for this reason but she blames Linux of course OpenRCE and Wikipedia's article on obfuscated code may be good starting points if you want to look into this further. But be warned you may lose more through over zealous..
Android Proguard, removing all Log statements and merging packages static d ... public static v ... android proguard share improve this question The option repackageclasses moves obfuscated classes into a single given package http manual usage.html#repackageclasses You can optionally..
Proguard and reflection in Android class names that extend YourClassName The second one says to keep the constructor name init means constructor un obfuscated that has a single argument of Context and extends YourClassName In addition for android developers that are using the onClick..
How can I exclude external .jar from obfuscation by Proguard (Android project)? obfuscation by Proguard Android project When I export android project with proguard.cfg all referenced .jar files are obfuscated as well. How can I exclude some of that .jars from obfuscation android obfuscation proguard share improve this question..
How to encrypt HTML+JS assets in Android Phonegap mobile app? etc.. but I found out that it's very simple to get to the original code using JSBeautifier firebug including obfuscated scripts etc... . So my question is is there some simple way how to encrypt JS HTML files so they are not readable and useful..
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile process Class file making the treated codes accomplish the same function semantics with the untreated codes. But the obfuscated codes are difficult to be decompiled i.e. the decompiled codes are very difficult to understand therefore decompile staffs.. therefore decompile staffs are hard to understand the really semantics. Theoretically if hackers have enough time obfuscated codes may still be cracked. Even some people are developing de obfuscate tool. But from the actual situation since the diversified.. tool. But from the actual situation since the diversified development of obfuscation the mature of obfuscation theory obfuscated Java codes can well prevent decompilation. 5. Online Encryption APK Protect is an online encryption website for APK. It..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? proguard property name preobfuscate.jar.file value obfuscate.absolute.dir original.jar property name obfuscated.jar.file value obfuscate.absolute.dir obfuscated.jar input for dex will be proguard's output property name out.dex.input.absolute.dir.. value obfuscate.absolute.dir original.jar property name obfuscated.jar.file value obfuscate.absolute.dir obfuscated.jar input for dex will be proguard's output property name out.dex.input.absolute.dir value obfuscated.jar.file Add Proguard.. obfuscated.jar input for dex will be proguard's output property name out.dex.input.absolute.dir value obfuscated.jar.file Add Proguard Tasks property name proguard.jar location proguard lib proguard.jar taskdef name..
Securing media files in the mobile decryptFromBinaryFiles password encryptedFileToReadFrom To use an hardcoded password can be hacked by digging into the obfuscated code and looking for strings. I don't know whether this would be a sufficient security level in your case If not you can..
Proguard tells me 'Please correct the above warnings first.'. How to address references of external jars? public classes except those in testAppH23 and their public protected private class members from being shrunk optimized obfuscated. This may cause some harmless notes about descriptor classes. For consistency you may want to remove public for the classes..
android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation of my test purchase. Unfortunately before it can do anything with it the app is forced closed. Here's a logcat without obfuscated code of what happens right after market responds to the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request I BillingService 6484 confirmTransaction..
How to secure my app against piracy paper linked above as well as numerous scholarly articles and online blogs describe how once the source code or even obfuscated source code is leaked once can merely add some of their own malicious code resign the app and publish it on the Android..