android Programming Glossary: oauth_callback_url
twitter4j => AndroidRuntime(446): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: twitter4j.http.AccessToken OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST callback public static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST I have tried changing..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) static String UserName null UeserID null static String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL twitterapp connect public static final String REQUEST_URL https.. mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveRequestToken mHttpOauthConsumer OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL what 0 Log.d TAG Request token url authUrl catch Exception.. Log.d TAG Redirecting URL url if url.startsWith TwitterApp.OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL mListener.onComplete url TwitterDialog.this.dismiss return..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST litestcalback static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL String.format s s OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST.. Void... params return oAuthService.getOAuthRequestToken OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL @Override protected void onPostExecute LinkedInRequestToken..
Twitter API not accepting callback URL for Android App should that look like I tried private static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL http private static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME.. private static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL callback but that didn't work either. Pls help me understand..
Android: Login with Twitter using Twitter4J OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST callback public static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST but it gives me this..
twitter4j => AndroidRuntime(446): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: twitter4j.http.AccessToken x oauthflow twitter public static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST callback public static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST I have tried changing callback with http Please advice how can..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) String TAG TwitterApp static String oauth_verifier protected static String UserName null UeserID null static String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL twitterapp connect public static final String REQUEST_URL https oauth request_token public static final.. public void run String authUrl int what 1 try authUrl mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveRequestToken mHttpOauthConsumer OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL what 0 Log.d TAG Request token url authUrl catch Exception e Log.d TAG Failed to get request token e.printStackTrace.. boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading WebView view String url Log.d TAG Redirecting URL url if url.startsWith TwitterApp.OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL mListener.onComplete url TwitterDialog.this.dismiss return true else if url.startsWith authorize return false return..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME x oauthflow linkedin static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST litestcalback static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL String.format s s OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST static final String OAUTH_QUERY_TOKEN oauth_token static final.. @Override protected LinkedInRequestToken doInBackground Void... params return oAuthService.getOAuthRequestToken OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL @Override protected void onPostExecute LinkedInRequestToken liToken final String uri liToken.getAuthorizationUrl getSharedPreferences..
Twitter API not accepting callback URL for Android App which requires a scheme which forms part of the url. How should that look like I tried private static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL http private static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL callback but that didn't work.. static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL http private static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL callback but that didn't work either. Pls help me understand where I am doing wrong android twitter share improve this..
Android: Login with Twitter using Twitter4J x oauthflow twitter public static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST callback public static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST but it gives me this error Logcat 11 29 11 56 56.249 E