

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:17

android Programming Glossary: metrics

Detect 7 inch and 10 inch tablet programmatically


your app is running on. First we create a DisplayMetrics metrics object DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager.. we create a DisplayMetrics metrics object DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics From this we can get the information required to size the display..

getting the screen density programmatically in android?


the display from the DisplayMetrics struct DisplayMetrics metrics getResources .getDisplayMetrics Though Android doesn't use a.. Pixel values then scales to the actual screen size. So the metrics.densityDpi property will be one of the DENSITY_ constants 120.. density perhaps for an OpenGL app you can get it from the metrics.xdpi and metrics.ydpi properties for horizontal and vertical..

Size of android notification bar and title bar?


so it could look something like that DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int myHeight 0 switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH.. .getMetrics metrics int myHeight 0 switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH Log.i display high..

Custom notification layouts and text colors


notification_text_size text.getTextSize DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics WindowManager systemWM WindowManager getSystemService.. systemWM.getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics notification_text_size metrics.scaledDensity return true .. .getMetrics metrics notification_text_size metrics.scaledDensity return true else if gp.getChildAt i instanceof..

How to support all the different resolutions of android products


parameters public void set_ui_parameters DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics if metrics.densityDpi DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH textSize 35.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics if metrics.densityDpi DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH textSize 35 timeWidth..

Android Convert Px to Dp (Video Aspect Ratio) [duplicate]


need the forumla. I have the code ready DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW int.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW int sixForty int..

Multiple screen resolution


@Override public void onGlobalLayout DisplayMetrics metrics getResources .getDisplayMetrics int deviceWidth metrics.widthPixels.. metrics getResources .getDisplayMetrics int deviceWidth metrics.widthPixels int deviceHeight metrics.heightPixels float widthInPercentage.. int deviceWidth metrics.widthPixels int deviceHeight metrics.heightPixels float widthInPercentage float 280 320 100 float..

Android animate drop down/up view proper


Activity activity View view DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics activity.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay.. activity.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec..

Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet?


for my case this solution work for me now DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int width metrics.widthPixels int height metrics.heightPixels.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int width metrics.widthPixels int height metrics.heightPixels if SharedCode.width..

Detect 7 inch and 10 inch tablet programmatically


to get a whole bunch of information about the screen that your app is running on. First we create a DisplayMetrics metrics object DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics From this we can.. about the screen that your app is running on. First we create a DisplayMetrics metrics object DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics From this we can get the information required.. metrics object DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics From this we can get the information required to size the display int widthPixels metrics.widthPixels int heightPixels metrics.heightPixels..

getting the screen density programmatically in android?


android share improve this question You can get info on the display from the DisplayMetrics struct DisplayMetrics metrics getResources .getDisplayMetrics Though Android doesn't use a direct pixel mapping it uses a handful of quantized Density.. mapping it uses a handful of quantized Density Independent Pixel values then scales to the actual screen size. So the metrics.densityDpi property will be one of the DENSITY_ constants 120 160 213 240 320 480 or 640 dpi . If you need the actual lcd.. 240 320 480 or 640 dpi . If you need the actual lcd pixel density perhaps for an OpenGL app you can get it from the metrics.xdpi and metrics.ydpi properties for horizontal and vertical density respectively. If you are targeting API Levels earlier..

Size of android notification bar and title bar?


densityDpi of DisplayMetrics you know which value to subtract so it could look something like that DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int myHeight 0 switch metrics.densityDpi case.. look something like that DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int myHeight 0 switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH Log.i display high myHeight display.getHeight.. metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int myHeight 0 switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH Log.i display high myHeight display.getHeight 48 break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM..

Custom notification layouts and text colors


notification_text_color text.getTextColors .getDefaultColor notification_text_size text.getTextSize DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics WindowManager systemWM WindowManager getSystemService Context.WINDOW_SERVICE systemWM.getDefaultDisplay.. WindowManager systemWM WindowManager getSystemService Context.WINDOW_SERVICE systemWM.getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics notification_text_size metrics.scaledDensity return true else if gp.getChildAt i instanceof ViewGroup return recurseGroup.. getSystemService Context.WINDOW_SERVICE systemWM.getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics notification_text_size metrics.scaledDensity return true else if gp.getChildAt i instanceof ViewGroup return recurseGroup ViewGroup gp.getChildAt i..

How to support all the different resolutions of android products


with my first app was read out the density and then set the parameters public void set_ui_parameters DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics if metrics.densityDpi DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH.. void set_ui_parameters DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics if metrics.densityDpi DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH textSize 35 timeWidth 80 dayWidth 110 moneyWidth 50 else if metrics.densityDpi.. set_ui_parameters DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics if metrics.densityDpi DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH textSize 35 timeWidth 80 dayWidth 110 moneyWidth 50 else if metrics.densityDpi DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM..

Android Convert Px to Dp (Video Aspect Ratio) [duplicate]


what I need and I don't know how to use this . I guess I just need the forumla. I have the code ready DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW.. I have the code ready DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW int sixForty int fourEighty break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM.. code ready DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW int sixForty int fourEighty break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM int sixForty..

Multiple screen resolution


new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout DisplayMetrics metrics getResources .getDisplayMetrics int deviceWidth metrics.widthPixels int deviceHeight metrics.heightPixels float widthInPercentage.. @Override public void onGlobalLayout DisplayMetrics metrics getResources .getDisplayMetrics int deviceWidth metrics.widthPixels int deviceHeight metrics.heightPixels float widthInPercentage float 280 320 100 float heightInPercentage float.. DisplayMetrics metrics getResources .getDisplayMetrics int deviceWidth metrics.widthPixels int deviceHeight metrics.heightPixels float widthInPercentage float 280 320 100 float heightInPercentage float 300 480 100 int mLayoutWidth int widthInPercentage..

Android animate drop down/up view proper


@param activity @param view public static void setHeightForWrapContent Activity activity View view DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics activity.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels.. activity View view DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics activity.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED int widthMeasureSpec.. metrics new DisplayMetrics activity.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED int widthMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec..

Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet?


android.os.Build.MODEL android.os.Build.PRODUCT seems useless for my case this solution work for me now DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int width metrics.widthPixels int height metrics.heightPixels.. solution work for me now DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int width metrics.widthPixels int height metrics.heightPixels if SharedCode.width 1023 SharedCode.height 1023 code for big.. for me now DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int width metrics.widthPixels int height metrics.heightPixels if SharedCode.width 1023 SharedCode.height 1023 code for big screen like tablet..