android Programming Glossary: m.invoke
Selecting text in a WebView? try Method m WebView.class.getMethod emulateShiftHeld null m.invoke this null catch Exception e e.printStackTrace fallback KeyEvent..
Android: Clear Cache of All Apps? 8 1024 1024 1024 Request for 8GB of free space m.invoke pm desiredFreeStorage null catch Exception e Method invocation..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? m.setAccessible true telephonyService ITelephony m.invoke telephony telephonyService.silenceRinger Log.v TAG Answering..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect.. new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke device 1 Also try to change argument value in range 1 3 in this.. 1 Also try to change argument value in range 1 3 in this m.invoke device 1 When connection will be Connected but aborted when..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android new Class int.class socket BluetoothSocket m.invoke hxm Integer.valueOf 1 handler.sendEmptyMessage 5 socket.connect..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android
How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk IBinder.class m.setAccessible true ibt IBluetooth m.invoke null b catch Exception e Log.e flowlab Erroraco e.getMessage..
Enhance webView performance (should be the same performance as native Web Browser) setCacheDisabled boolean.class m.setAccessible true m.invoke null true catch Throwable e Log.i myapp Reflection failed e..
Android 2.2 webview search problem Method m WebView.class.getMethod setFindIsUp Boolean.TYPE m.invoke webView true catch Throwable ignored share improve this answer..
Is there a view for inputing integers in Android? try Method m c.getMethod setRange int.class int.class m.invoke o 0 9 catch Exception e Log.e e.getMessage Since it's an internal..
How to create Insecure RFCOMM Socket in Android? new Class int.class tmp BluetoothSocket m.invoke device 1 This for the time being is doing what I want. Even..
TextView expand animation like in Android Market onMeasure int.class int.class m.setAccessible true m.invoke view2Measure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec view2Expand.getWidth..
Hang up outgoing call in Android telephonyService ITelephony m.invoke tm catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Log.e TAG FATAL ERROR..
Android: how to select texts from webview m WebView.class.getMethod emulateShiftHeld Boolean.TYPE m.invoke BookView.mWebView false catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? m.setAccessible true ITelephony telephony ITelephony m.invoke manager telephony.endCall catch Exception e Log.d e.getMessage..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android new Class int.class mBTSocket BluetoothSocket m.invoke mdevice 1 mBTSocket.connect OutputStream os mBTSocket.getOutputStream..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” setNextSelectedPositionInt int.class m.setAccessible true m.invoke this 1 final Method n AdapterView.class.getDeclaredMethod .. 0 0 getView Integer args 0 View args 1 ViewGroup args 2 m.invoke obj args catch InvocationTargetException e throw e.getTargetException..
Selecting text in a WebView? class that extends WebView public void selectAndCopyText try Method m WebView.class.getMethod emulateShiftHeld null m.invoke this null catch Exception e e.printStackTrace fallback KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT..
Android: Clear Cache of All Apps? freeStorage Found the method I want to use try long desiredFreeStorage 8 1024 1024 1024 Request for 8GB of free space m.invoke pm desiredFreeStorage null catch Exception e Method invocation failed. Could be a permission problem break You will need..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? .getName Method m c.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony m.setAccessible true telephonyService ITelephony m.invoke telephony telephonyService.silenceRinger Log.v TAG Answering Call now... telephonyService.answerRingingCall Log.v TAG Call..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 Method m zee.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte buffer new.. for this code Method m zee.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke device 1 Also try to change argument value in range 1 3 in this m.invoke device 1 When connection will be Connected but.. new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke device 1 Also try to change argument value in range 1 3 in this m.invoke device 1 When connection will be Connected but aborted when you try reading call in some loop your method test again. As..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android Method m try m hxm.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class socket BluetoothSocket m.invoke hxm Integer.valueOf 1 handler.sendEmptyMessage 5 socket.connect catch Exception e handler.sendEmptyMessage 7 e.printStackTrace..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android
How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk Class c s2 0 Method m c.getDeclaredMethod asInterface IBinder.class m.setAccessible true ibt IBluetooth m.invoke null b catch Exception e Log.e flowlab Erroraco e.getMessage return ibt IBluetooth.aidl package android.bluetooth import..
Enhance webView performance (should be the same performance as native Web Browser)
Android 2.2 webview search problem
Is there a view for inputing integers in Android? tested this Object o findViewById Class c o.getClass try Method m c.getMethod setRange int.class int.class m.invoke o 0 9 catch Exception e Log.e e.getMessage Since it's an internal widget and not in the SDK future compatibility could be..
How to create Insecure RFCOMM Socket in Android? mentioned below Method m device.getClass .getMethod createInsecureRfcommSocket new Class int.class tmp BluetoothSocket m.invoke device 1 This for the time being is doing what I want. Even the documentation over here says that we need to use createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord..
TextView expand animation like in Android Market view2Measure try Method m view2Measure.getClass .getDeclaredMethod onMeasure int.class int.class m.setAccessible true m.invoke view2Measure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec view2Expand.getWidth MeasureSpec.AT_MOST MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED..
Hang up outgoing call in Android getITelephony m.setAccessible true telephonyService ITelephony m.invoke tm catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Log.e TAG FATAL ERROR could not connect to telephony subsystem Log.e TAG Exception..
Android: how to select texts from webview which one is correct public void selectAndCopyText try Method m WebView.class.getMethod emulateShiftHeld Boolean.TYPE m.invoke BookView.mWebView false catch Exception e e.printStackTrace fallback KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? .getName Method m c.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony m.setAccessible true ITelephony telephony ITelephony m.invoke manager telephony.endCall catch Exception e Log.d e.getMessage Note Add this file to disconnect the call http
Bluetooth Printer issue in android address Method m mdevice.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class mBTSocket BluetoothSocket m.invoke mdevice 1 mBTSocket.connect OutputStream os mBTSocket.getOutputStream os.flush os.write BILL.getBytes System.out.println..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” try final Method m AdapterView.class.getDeclaredMethod setNextSelectedPositionInt int.class m.setAccessible true m.invoke this 1 final Method n AdapterView.class.getDeclaredMethod setSelectedPositionInt int.class n.setAccessible true n.invoke.. throws Throwable try return m.equals getView Integer args 0 0 getView Integer args 0 View args 1 ViewGroup args 2 m.invoke obj args catch InvocationTargetException e throw e.getTargetException catch Exception e throw new RuntimeException..