android Programming Glossary: keystores
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures android share improve this question It happens because keystores on your laptop and original pc are different. it's called debug.keystrore..
I lost my .keystore file?
Android bouncy castle: IOException Android 4.0.3 API version 15 fails when trying to open keystores produced using the most recent BouncyCastle library. When I..
Trying to manually sign android package with jarsigner.exe and install with adb.exe it so I've narrowed it to signing the package. I've tried keystores that I've generated from the keytool but they didn't work as..
How to find the MD5 fingerprint of my Android App share improve this question You will be needing two keystores. One for debug purpose and One for release purpose. While you.. it on simulator or device. You will be needing debug keystores. Otherwise you will not be able to see the map. debug keystore..
One Google Maps key for all developers? between developer PCs. Note that I have not tried copying keystores between Windows and non Windows OS X Linux so I don't know if..
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures earlier and now it doesn't so it might be a bug. eclipse android share improve this question It happens because keystores on your laptop and original pc are different. it's called debug.keystrore and located in USER_HOME .android folder. TO be..
I lost my .keystore file?
Android bouncy castle: IOException question It seems the version of BouncyCastle shipped with Android 4.0.3 API version 15 fails when trying to open keystores produced using the most recent BouncyCastle library. When I created a keystore using bcprov jdk15on 147.jar my sample Android..
Trying to manually sign android package with jarsigner.exe and install with adb.exe built from Eclipse and was able to use adb.exe to install it so I've narrowed it to signing the package. I've tried keystores that I've generated from the keytool but they didn't work as well which is why I tried the debug.keystore. I'd appreciate..
How to find the MD5 fingerprint of my Android App appreciated Thanks in advance android cmd md5 keystore share improve this question You will be needing two keystores. One for debug purpose and One for release purpose. While you are developing your application via eclipse and debugging.. you are developing your application via eclipse and debugging it on simulator or device. You will be needing debug keystores. Otherwise you will not be able to see the map. debug keystore is already present into your system. Try Finding them at..
One Google Maps key for all developers? For the production signing key copy the production keystore between developer PCs. Note that I have not tried copying keystores between Windows and non Windows OS X Linux so I don't know if there are any possible issues there related to line endings...