

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:20

android Programming Glossary: keypress

Catch keypress with android


keypress with android How can i catch a phone keypress with the android SDK i've been looking around for hours without finding anything.... keypress with android How can i catch a phone keypress with the android SDK i've been looking around for hours without finding anything.. For example In some cases i want to catch.. up button on the phone and then discard the message before it reaches the OS. Is this possible android key message keypress share improve this question You can either handle key events from a view or in general for your whole application Handle..

How to create touch interactive charts for android [closed]


What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android?


but not terribly reliably click mouseover mousedown mouseup change I have not been able to get the following to work keypress keydown keyup Does anyone know the full list of what is supported and in what contexts e.g. is onchange only available to.. inserted dynamically. .each 'blur' 'change' 'click' 'contextmenu' 'copy' 'cut' 'dblclick' 'error' 'focus' 'keydown' 'keypress' 'keyup' 'mousedown' 'mousemove' 'mouseout' 'mouseover' 'mouseup' 'mousewheel' 'paste' 'reset' 'resize' 'scroll' 'select'..

Javascript Events are not working in Tablet-pc?


is saying that these are not working in tablet pc android and IPad . Like I have a dropdownlist in which I am firing keypress and mouse click events in javascript and these are perfectly working in normal browsers I need to be in working form all..