android Programming Glossary: kick
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” connection attempt to succeed since that system doesn't kick in until there's a failed connection attempt. I looked into..
How to set a timer in android is the proper way to set a timer in android in order to kick off a task a function that I create which does not change the..
Android SplashScreen to the screen. You need to display the splash screen kick off an instance of AsyncTask to go download all your data then..
How to start android service on installation so you can get control when one of those events occur and kick off your service that way. Or you are going to need to ask the..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android first then close the socket. By closing the streams you kick off the disconnect process. After you close the socket the connection..
How to detect USER INACTIVITY in android with app even though the app is in the foreground and kick start my count down timer. Thanks in advance. android user..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? sure the View has been moved by at least the delta before kicking in the movement code. If it hasn't been kick off the touch..
MultiThreading question case STEP_TWO_COMPLETE do final steps break You would kick it off by calling doBackgroundUpdate1 when this is complete..
Empty cursor from the MediaStore media yourself check out MediaScannerConnection to kick the scanner. Oh and if you plan to go to devices such as Google's..
Is there a method that works like start fragment for result? along the lines of startFragmentForResult where I can kick off a new fragment and when it's done have it return a result..
Preventing/catching “IllegalArgumentException: parameter must be a descendant of this view” error point the offsetRectBetweenParentAndChild method must kick in and throw the IllegalArgumentException . The problem is that..
AsyncTaskLoader vs AsyncTask by saving instances using onRetainNonConfigurationInstance kick the right loader when you call initLoader in your Activity You..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” However if that were the case I'd still expect the first connection attempt to succeed since that system doesn't kick in until there's a failed connection attempt. I looked into the source code throwing the exception. The issue seems to be..
How to set a timer in android to set a timer in android What is the proper way to set a timer in android in order to kick off a task a function that I create which does not change the UI Use this the Java way http j2se 1.4.2 docs..
Android SplashScreen from being updated which can keep it from even getting displayed to the screen. You need to display the splash screen kick off an instance of AsyncTask to go download all your data then hide the splash screen once the task is complete. So your..
How to start android service on installation to hook into some relevant broadcast Intent via the manifest so you can get control when one of those events occur and kick off your service that way. Or you are going to need to ask the user to reboot so your BOOT_COMPLETED Intent filter can get..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android question Please remember to close your Input output streams first then close the socket. By closing the streams you kick off the disconnect process. After you close the socket the connection should be fully broken down. If you close the socket..
How to detect USER INACTIVITY in android time... I want to detect kind of USER INACTIVITY No interaction with app even though the app is in the foreground and kick start my count down timer. Thanks in advance. android user interface user experience user inactivity share improve this..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement?
MultiThreading question msg.what case STEP_ONE_COMPLETE doBackgroundUpdate2 break case STEP_TWO_COMPLETE do final steps break You would kick it off by calling doBackgroundUpdate1 when this is complete it sends a message to the handler which kicks off doBackgroundUpdate2..
Empty cursor from the MediaStore of intent ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED. If you are importing media yourself check out MediaScannerConnection to kick the scanner. Oh and if you plan to go to devices such as Google's Nexus you'll need to deal with INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI. ..
Is there a method that works like start fragment for result? startActivityForResult which isn't possible. Is there something along the lines of startFragmentForResult where I can kick off a new fragment and when it's done have it return a result to the previous fragment android android 3.0 android fragments..
Preventing/catching “IllegalArgumentException: parameter must be a descendant of this view” error . Something must go out of bounds and get recycled at which point the offsetRectBetweenParentAndChild method must kick in and throw the IllegalArgumentException . The problem is that this exception is thrown outside of any block in which I..
AsyncTaskLoader vs AsyncTask you flip your phone or another configuration change occurs by saving instances using onRetainNonConfigurationInstance kick the right loader when you call initLoader in your Activity You need to use the LoaderManager to interface with the loaders..