android Programming Glossary: illustration
Producing eraser effects using libgdx and OpenGL ES OpenGL ES Please consider the following images for the illustration Initially I fill the whole screen stage with individual Images..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework to create and initialize the components. In the example illustration it is shown that your OMX component is registered prior to the..
Android ListView with delete button current position in the list. This code snippet is just illustration but I hope it will be useful to solve your issue. share improve..
Closing activities stack after a button click I had started and return back to the landing page An illustration of sorts here Home Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 At this point when the..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? Call the next frame. invalidate This is just a simple illustration but I would use surfaceView and drive frames from another thread..
Android - Package Name convention com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just an illustration and these may not be the exact package names. These could internally..
Android GridView with categories? headers with a GridView in Android I put together a quick illustration of what I was thinking about Thanks a lot. android gridview..
Producing eraser effects using libgdx and OpenGL ES eraser effects using libgdx and OpenGL ES Please consider the following images for the illustration Initially I fill the whole screen stage with individual Images until the screen turns pink. Each blob of pink colour is..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework translate into flags which are then read by the framework to create and initialize the components. In the example illustration it is shown that your OMX component is registered prior to the default Google implemented video decoder. NOTE If you trying..
Android ListView with delete button
Closing activities stack after a button click are complete is there a way that I can close all the 8 activities I had started and return back to the landing page An illustration of sorts here Home Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 At this point when the user clicks Save close all the Steps 8 and go back to the..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? Rotate the canvas back so that it looks like ball has rotated. Call the next frame. invalidate This is just a simple illustration but I would use surfaceView and drive frames from another thread which is a bit more complicated but a proper way to do..
Android - Package Name convention Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just an illustration and these may not be the exact package names. These could internally be mapped respectively to com adobe reader com adobe..
Android GridView with categories? categories Is it possible to use categories or some sort of headers with a GridView in Android I put together a quick illustration of what I was thinking about Thanks a lot. android gridview android 3.0 share improve this question You can use Stickygridheaders..