android Programming Glossary: illegalstateexception
camera app not working? generated method stub try mMediaRecorder.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace btnStop.setOnClickListener.. .toString try mMediaRecorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace releaseMediaRecorder return false catch.. VIDEO_PATH_NAME try mMediaRecorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e This is thrown if the previous calls are not called with the..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment if activity instanceof SherlockFragmentActivity throw new IllegalStateException getClass .getSimpleName must be attached to a SherlockFragmentActivity... if activity instanceof SherlockFragmentActivity throw new IllegalStateException getClass .getSimpleName must be attached to a SherlockFragmentActivity...
OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android) ex Log.d MYAPP ex.getMessage catch IllegalStateException ex It fails on the bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap any thoughts..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? holder.getSurface try recorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace finish catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Android, ListView IllegalStateException: “The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification” ListView IllegalStateException &ldquo The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did.. this bug completely. Here is partial stacktrace java.lang.IllegalStateException The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not..
Developing an Android Homescreen if widthMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY throw new IllegalStateException error mode. final int heightMode MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec.. if heightMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY throw new IllegalStateException error mode. The children are given the same width and height..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 this on a friend's device running Android 1.6 I get an IllegalStateException in the call to bitmap.setPixels . Documentation online says.. call to bitmap.setPixels . Documentation online says an IllegalStateException is thrown from this method when the bitmap is immutable. The..
Android multiple databases open Checks the database state and throws an @link IllegalStateException if database isn't open. Should always be used before starting.. if mDatabases type null mDatabases type .isOpen throw new IllegalStateException The database has not been opened Closes the database of the..
custom row in a listPreference? null entries.length entryValues.length throw new IllegalStateException ListPreference requires an entries array and an entryValues.. null entries.length entryValues.length throw new IllegalStateException ListPreference requires an entries array and an entryValues..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse api_key URLEncoder.encode apiKey.. sig md5 sig catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse api_key URLEncoder.encode apiKey..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager showed to update the data sometimes but others I got an IllegalStateException Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState. My second..
getting exception “IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” exception &ldquo IllegalStateException Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState&rdquo.. on some hidden facts to avoid this type of issue java.lang.IllegalStateException Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState at
Display fragment viewpager within a fragment Upon loading the parent fragment I am met with an IllegalStateException with the message java.lang.IllegalStateException Recursive entry.. with an IllegalStateException with the message java.lang.IllegalStateException Recursive entry to executePendingTransactions . Some research..
list view java.lang.IllegalStateException even after calling notifyDataSetCanged(); it thanks in advance android listview android listview illegalstateexception share improve this question the question is not where the..
IllegalStateException - Fragment support library continously. Does anyone have a working solution android illegalstateexception share improve this question I have solved this issue by..
“Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” - why am I getting this exception from my activity's onResume method? help or wisdom is appreciated. android android fragments illegalstateexception share improve this question I think I know the answer I'm..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState why android exception android asynctask android fragments illegalstateexception share improve this question You should do the transaction..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor return null Any ideas what I'm doing wrong android cursor illegalstateexception android loadermanager share improve this question Looks..
Fragment already added IllegalStateException mBFrag android android 3.0 android fragments fragment illegalstateexception share improve this question Finally my workaround has been..
SQLiteOpenHelper IllegalStateException : DB Already Closed Error love to understand this. java android database sqlite illegalstateexception share improve this question Since this question has gotten..
getting exception “IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method android illegalstateexception share improve this question So this is the most stupid bug..
Android - SQLite Cursor getColumnIndex() is case sensitive? the code if required. Thanks. android sqlite cursor illegalstateexception share improve this question getColumnIndex is case sensitive..
Android JSon error “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2” but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 android json illegalstateexception share improve this question i have not worked in parsing..
camera app not working? OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub try mMediaRecorder.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace btnStop.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public.. mMediaRecorder.setOutputFile getOutputMediaFile .toString try mMediaRecorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace releaseMediaRecorder return false catch IOException e e.printStackTrace releaseMediaRecorder return.. 30 mMediaRecorder.setVideoSize 640 480 mMediaRecorder.setOutputFile VIDEO_PATH_NAME try mMediaRecorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e This is thrown if the previous calls are not called with the proper order e.printStackTrace mInitSuccesful true @Override..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment mActivity @Override public void onAttach Activity activity if activity instanceof SherlockFragmentActivity throw new IllegalStateException getClass .getSimpleName must be attached to a SherlockFragmentActivity. mActivity SherlockFragmentActivity activity super.onAttach.. mActivity @Override public void onAttach Activity activity if activity instanceof SherlockFragmentActivity throw new IllegalStateException getClass .getSimpleName must be attached to a SherlockFragmentActivity. mActivity SherlockFragmentActivity activity super.onAttach..
OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android) 100 100 true parkImageButton.setImageBitmap bm catch IllegalArgumentException ex Log.d MYAPP ex.getMessage catch IllegalStateException ex It fails on the bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap any thoughts I did some research on the forums and it pointed to this post..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? 5 megabytes private void prepareRecorder recorder.setPreviewDisplay holder.getSurface try recorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace finish catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finish public void onClick View v if recording recorder.stop..
Android, ListView IllegalStateException: “The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification” ListView IllegalStateException &ldquo The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification&rdquo What I want to do run a.. a week for one of 3.5k users . But I'd like to get rid of this bug completely. Here is partial stacktrace java.lang.IllegalStateException The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter..
Developing an Android Homescreen widthMeasureSpec final int widthMode MeasureSpec.getMode widthMeasureSpec if widthMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY throw new IllegalStateException error mode. final int heightMode MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec if heightMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY throw new IllegalStateException.. error mode. final int heightMode MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec if heightMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY throw new IllegalStateException error mode. The children are given the same width and height as the workspace final int count getChildCount for int i 0..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 to make changes by calling bitmap.setPixels on it. When I test this on a friend's device running Android 1.6 I get an IllegalStateException in the call to bitmap.setPixels . Documentation online says an IllegalStateException is thrown from this method when the.. running Android 1.6 I get an IllegalStateException in the call to bitmap.setPixels . Documentation online says an IllegalStateException is thrown from this method when the bitmap is immutable. The documentation doesn't say anything about decodeResource returning..
Android multiple databases open mDatabases INTERNAL mDatabaseManager INTERNAL .getWritableDatabase Checks the database state and throws an @link IllegalStateException if database isn't open. Should always be used before starting to access the database. @param type Type of the database... be INTERNAL or EXTERNAL. public void checkDbState int type if mDatabases type null mDatabases type .isOpen throw new IllegalStateException The database has not been opened Closes the database of the given type. @param type Type of the database. Can be INTERNAL..
custom row in a listPreference? CharSequence entryValues getEntryValues if entries null entryValues null entries.length entryValues.length throw new IllegalStateException ListPreference requires an entries array and an entryValues array which are both the same length builder.setMultiChoiceItems.. getEntries entryValues getEntryValues if entries null entryValues null entries.length entryValues.length throw new IllegalStateException ListPreference requires an entries array and an entryValues array which are both the same length customListPreferenceAdapter..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM v version applicationSecret try sig md5 sig sig sig.toUpperCase catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse api_key URLEncoder.encode apiKey utf 8 call_id callId method URLEncoder.encode method utf.. session_key sessionKey v version applicationSecret try sig md5 sig catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse api_key URLEncoder.encode apiKey utf 8 call_id callId method URLEncoder.encode method utf..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager on the entire FragmentPagerAdapter and this showed to update the data sometimes but others I got an IllegalStateException Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState. My second attempt involed trying to call an update function in my..
getting exception “IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” exception &ldquo IllegalStateException Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState&rdquo I have a Live Android application and from market i have received.. of FragmentManager. If any body can throw some light on some hidden facts to avoid this type of issue java.lang.IllegalStateException Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState at
Display fragment viewpager within a fragment is associated with an adapter that contains a set of fragments. Upon loading the parent fragment I am met with an IllegalStateException with the message java.lang.IllegalStateException Recursive entry to executePendingTransactions . Some research has led me.. a set of fragments. Upon loading the parent fragment I am met with an IllegalStateException with the message java.lang.IllegalStateException Recursive entry to executePendingTransactions . Some research has led me to the conclusion that the system is unable display..
list view java.lang.IllegalStateException even after calling notifyDataSetCanged(); but i get the same error some times and not every time i load it thanks in advance android listview android listview illegalstateexception share improve this question the question is not where the adapter update it should be the time the adapter update ...
IllegalStateException - Fragment support library This is the only Crash report I ever get and I get it continously. Does anyone have a working solution android illegalstateexception share improve this question I have solved this issue by upgrading my support lib to revision 10 using workaround posted..
“Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” - why am I getting this exception from my activity's onResume method? 747 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method Any help or wisdom is appreciated. android android fragments illegalstateexception share improve this question I think I know the answer I'm using the FragmentActivity from v4 compatibility library and..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState I guess onPostExecute uses an invalid FragmentManager. But why android exception android asynctask android fragments illegalstateexception share improve this question You should do the transaction in a Handler as follows @Override protected void onPostExecute..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor return new File cursor.getString fileColumnIndex return null Any ideas what I'm doing wrong android cursor illegalstateexception android loadermanager share improve this question Looks like the managedQuery call is deprecated in the Honeycomb API...
Fragment already added IllegalStateException line fragmentTransaction.replace mBFrag android android 3.0 android fragments fragment illegalstateexception share improve this question Finally my workaround has been to execute remove of the previous fragment and add the new..
SQLiteOpenHelper IllegalStateException : DB Already Closed Error I'm NOT using a cursorAdapter. Anyone have any thoughts Would love to understand this. java android database sqlite illegalstateexception share improve this question Since this question has gotten a good deal of attention I wanted to answer it and describe..
getting exception “IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” 599 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method android illegalstateexception share improve this question So this is the most stupid bug I have encountered so far. I had a Fragment application working..
Android - SQLite Cursor getColumnIndex() is case sensitive? me that this is true OR i am doing something wrong I can provide the code if required. Thanks. android sqlite cursor illegalstateexception share improve this question getColumnIndex is case sensitive Column Name in DB was Rules cursor.getColumnIndex Rules..
Android JSon error “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2” java.lang.IllegalStateException Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 android json illegalstateexception share improve this question i have not worked in parsing JSon in Android but i think the error explains whats wrong.....