android Programming Glossary: ignore
Steps to create APK expansion file obb main patch . expansion version . package name .obb ignore obb just unzip this file anywhere you want sdcard Android data..
How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android? to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android Is there a way to make.. Android Is there a way to make an application completely ignore a screen orientation change android share improve this question..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? for implementing Parcelable 99.9 of the time you can just ignore this public int describeContents return 0 write your object's..
Force an android activity to always use landscape mode public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig ignore orientation keyboard change super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig.. newConfig The author specifically put a comment to ignore any keyboard or orientation changes. If you want to change this..
Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service but the package exits as soon as back is hit. so we can ignore the activity in this case if process null return false RunningAppProcessInfo..
Android - Service wont stop? is calling unbindService . If my guess is incorrect please ignore this answer. A service will shut down after all bindService..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? broadcast the intent to launch a different activity ignore the message etc. I would also subclass Activity and have your..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo are working. Basically I accept everything and ignore every checking of any certificate. This has been working fine..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? targetHeight Cannot find the one match the aspect ratio ignore the requirement if optimalSize null minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE..
Making sense of LayoutInflater . The recurring question is why does LayoutInflater ignore the layout parameters I've specified E.g. why are the layout_width..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter CharSequence s int start int before int count ignore @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int.. CharSequence s int start int count int after ignore @Override public void afterTextChanged Editable s Log.d Constants.TAG..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout And the class ignore the debugging junk import android.content.Context import
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken use it completely and skip the gallery. Some devices ignore it completely and ONLY use the gallery. Some devices really..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android is null is.close catch IOException ioe just going to ignore this one That's all most of stuff you'll find on the web ..
Google map signed api key errors in Android returned 3 IOProcessing Exception 26 as a warning just ignore it. Note Also ensure there are no duplicate instances of the..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view and answer . See further below for a code example just ignore the type part since this is an additional information. Phase..
PhoneGap sample application for android does not work 325 init 04 19 05 45 02.178 D SoftKeyboardDetect 325 Ignore this event 04 19 05 45 02.358 D SoftKeyboardDetect 325 Ignore.. this event 04 19 05 45 02.358 D SoftKeyboardDetect 325 Ignore this event 04 19 05 45 10.470 D CordovaLog 325 TypeError Result..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” a whole new workspace installing this 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' upgrading everything making sure I don't have any.. site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but this didn't..
Which files shouldn't be checked in into version control in Android Studio [duplicate] make sense to you. .ipr style Check in all .ipr and .iml. Ignore .iws. .idea style Check in everything under .idea except for..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android .geodesic true catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Ignore The markers just suggest me about adding interactive polyline..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? changed 07 08 19 51 23.432 D SoftKeyboardDetect 664 Ignore this event 07 08 19 51 23.502 D WLDroidGap 664 New installation.. new checksum 07 08 19 51 23.542 D SoftKeyboardDetect 664 Ignore this event 07 08 19 51 23.732 I UICAndroid 664 Did Client State..
How to enable logging for apache commons HttpClient on Android apache commons httpclient share improve this question Ignore my earlier comment. I found the solution on the org.apache.http..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView shadow super.draw canvas mapView shadow if shadow return Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection.. shadow super.draw canvas mapView shadow if shadow return Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) touch support .support.touch 'ontouchend' in document Ignore browsers without touch support if .support.touch return var.. simulatedType use this function to simulate mouse event Ignore multi touch events if event.originalEvent.touches.length 1 return.. mouseProto._touchStart function event var self this Ignore the event if another widget is already being handled if touchHandled..
Android webview not loading https url SslErrorHandler handler SslError error handler.proceed Ignore SSL certificate errors this will help you. share improve this..
Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android int startX int startY int dx int dy int duration Ignore received duration use fixed one instead super.startScroll startX.. void startScroll int startX int startY int dx int dy Ignore received duration use fixed one instead super.startScroll startX..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 0 strNMEA.length .substring strNMEA.indexOf 1 .equalsIgnoreCase GetChecksum strNMEA private String GetChecksum String strNMEA.. int i 0 i strNMEA.length i ch strNMEA.charAt i if ch ' ' Ignore the dollar sign else if ch ' ' Stop processing before the asterisk..
Steps to create APK expansion file download the Expansion file and will store it in sdcard Android obb main patch . expansion version . package name .obb ignore obb just unzip this file anywhere you want sdcard Android data recommended because it removes when your application get..
How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android? to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android Is there a way to make an application completely ignore a screen orientation change.. application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android Is there a way to make an application completely ignore a screen orientation change android share improve this question It is possible quite easily to override the default..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? Parcelable private int mData everything below here is for implementing Parcelable 99.9 of the time you can just ignore this public int describeContents return 0 write your object's data to the passed in Parcel public void writeToParcel Parcel..
Force an android activity to always use landscape mode on line 109 is the overrided function @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig ignore orientation keyboard change super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig The author specifically put a comment to ignore any keyboard.. ignore orientation keyboard change super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig The author specifically put a comment to ignore any keyboard or orientation changes. If you want to change this you can go back to the AndroidManifest.xml file shown above..
Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service when a move file was clicked. we dont have an activity then but the package exits as soon as back is hit. so we can ignore the activity in this case if process null return false RunningAppProcessInfo currentFg getForegroundApp ComponentName currentActivity..
Android - Service wont stop? called bindService on this service and that releaseBind is calling unbindService . If my guess is incorrect please ignore this answer. A service will shut down after all bindService calls have had their corresponding unbindService calls. If there..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? decisions whether or not to simply update the current activity broadcast the intent to launch a different activity ignore the message etc. I would also subclass Activity and have your new activity base class tell the Application that it is currently..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo SSL socket factory implementation to make sure self signed certificates are working. Basically I accept everything and ignore every checking of any certificate. This has been working fine for some time now but it no longer work for Android 2.2 FroYo...
How to set Android camera orientation properly? minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight Cannot find the one match the aspect ratio ignore the requirement if optimalSize null minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE for Size size sizes if Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Making sense of LayoutInflater other people help for using layoutinflator to add views at runtime . The recurring question is why does LayoutInflater ignore the layout parameters I've specified E.g. why are the layout_width and layout_height values from my resources XML not honored..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter searchTextWatcher new TextWatcher @Override public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count ignore @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after ignore @Override public void afterTextChanged.. int before int count ignore @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after ignore @Override public void afterTextChanged Editable s Log.d Constants.TAG Search value changed s.toString adapter.getFilter..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically id @ id tracking android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout And the class ignore the debugging junk import android.content.Context import import android.util.AttributeSet import..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken the EXTRA_OUTPUT but I soon discovered the following Some devices use it completely and skip the gallery. Some devices ignore it completely and ONLY use the gallery. Some devices really suck and save a full sized image to the gallery and save a thumbnail..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android
Google map signed api key errors in Android API key if you deploy the app from Eclise you will get a Server returned 3 IOProcessing Exception 26 as a warning just ignore it. Note Also ensure there are no duplicate instances of the same MapView. If your app needs x no. of MapView s generate..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view getView and maybe others too when they will find this question and answer . See further below for a code example just ignore the type part since this is an additional information. Phase 1 Item creation for recycling convertView is null This means..
PhoneGap sample application for android does not work D DroidGap 325 DroidGap.init 04 19 05 45 02.078 D PluginManager 325 init 04 19 05 45 02.178 D SoftKeyboardDetect 325 Ignore this event 04 19 05 45 02.358 D SoftKeyboardDetect 325 Ignore this event 04 19 05 45 10.470 D CordovaLog 325 TypeError Result.. 325 init 04 19 05 45 02.178 D SoftKeyboardDetect 325 Ignore this event 04 19 05 45 02.358 D SoftKeyboardDetect 325 Ignore this event 04 19 05 45 10.470 D CordovaLog 325 TypeError Result of expression 'navigator.notification' undefined is not..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” SDK up to 17 I've already tried a few things like starting a whole new workspace installing this 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' upgrading everything making sure I don't have any files without extensions in my source folder or anywhere else.. Help Install new Software Work with your Eclipse version site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but this didn't work for me I'm on Indigo perhaps on Juno it works . The..
Which files shouldn't be checked in into version control in Android Studio [duplicate] you've used IntelliJ IDEA for any lenght of time this will make sense to you. .ipr style Check in all .ipr and .iml. Ignore .iws. .idea style Check in everything under .idea except for workspace.xml and tasks.xml. Check in all .iml files. http..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android LatLng dest.latitude dest.longitude .width 5 .color Color.BLUE .geodesic true catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Ignore The markers just suggest me about adding interactive polyline android google maps google maps android api 2 share improve..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? 664 Resuming the App 07 08 19 51 23.402 I UICAndroid 664 Network changed 07 08 19 51 23.432 D SoftKeyboardDetect 664 Ignore this event 07 08 19 51 23.502 D WLDroidGap 664 New installation upgrade detected copying resources and saving new checksum.. installation upgrade detected copying resources and saving new checksum 07 08 19 51 23.542 D SoftKeyboardDetect 664 Ignore this event 07 08 19 51 23.732 I UICAndroid 664 Did Client State change true 07 08 19 51 26.842 D dalvikvm 664 GC_FOR_MALLOC..
How to enable logging for apache commons HttpClient on Android I don't see logs in LogCat. Am I missing some thing android apache commons httpclient share improve this question Ignore my earlier comment. I found the solution on the org.apache.http logging page. Your original answer was referring to httpclient..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView radius public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow super.draw canvas mapView shadow if shadow return Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int.. radius public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow super.draw canvas mapView shadow if shadow return Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) Paste this at the beginning of your .js file function Detect touch support .support.touch 'ontouchend' in document Ignore browsers without touch support if .support.touch return var mouseProto .ui.mouse.prototype _mouseInit mouseProto._mouseInit.. touchHandled function simulateMouseEvent event simulatedType use this function to simulate mouse event Ignore multi touch events if event.originalEvent.touches.length 1 return event.preventDefault use this to prevent scrolling during.. to the target element simulatedEvent mouseProto._touchStart function event var self this Ignore the event if another widget is already being handled if touchHandled self._mouseCapture event.originalEvent.changedTouches..
Android webview not loading https url
Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android super context interpolator flywheel @Override public void startScroll int startX int startY int dx int dy int duration Ignore received duration use fixed one instead super.startScroll startX startY dx dy mDuration @Override public void startScroll.. super.startScroll startX startY dx dy mDuration @Override public void startScroll int startX int startY int dx int dy Ignore received duration use fixed one instead super.startScroll startX startY dx dy mDuration And using it like this try Field..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 r strNMEA strNMEA.replace n return strNMEA.substring 0 strNMEA.length .substring strNMEA.indexOf 1 .equalsIgnoreCase GetChecksum strNMEA private String GetChecksum String strNMEA Loop through all chars to get a checksum int Checksum.. chars to get a checksum int Checksum 0 try char ch ' 0' for int i 0 i strNMEA.length i ch strNMEA.charAt i if ch ' ' Ignore the dollar sign else if ch ' ' Stop processing before the asterisk break else Is this the first value for the checksum..