android Programming Glossary: identifying
Send message from a basic server to a specific client the clients will have to send some message to the server identifying themselves and the server will need to read and interpret that..
Proper way to give initial data to fragments and set setRetainInstance true give the fragment a key for identifying the data and then letting the fragment fetch the data needed..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found that log message there I am guessing this code is for identifying the x and y axis vectors generated on clicks or taps or swipes....
Implications of Android multiple user support (new in 4.2) for server side data model (e.g. android_id) android_id. The advice on the linked page above suggests identifying a device by one of the methods other then android_id but I believe..
Is there a way to detect 2G, 3G, or 4G on Android Device? aren't inventing new 2G networks a better strategy may be identifying network technologies that are not sufficient and displaying..
android device id confusion com.vcastroi.changeid It is mainly used by developers eg identifying and connecting to devices using adb ANDROID_ID can be used to.. and a paid service with a telco. The SIM contains its own identifying number IMSI . This is obtained from the TelephonyManager.getSubscriberId..
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress a call to startService with a particular Intent structure identifying it as a cancel operation. You would need to override onStartCommand..
How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate] the link below http android 2011 03 identifying app installations.html ANDROID_ID import android.provider.Settings.Secure..
Android.os.Build data examples, please [closed] I'm wondering what's the best identifying combination looking for stats. Thanks in advance. android ..
SQLiteDiskIOException in Android left joins. Below is a representative query with some identifying columns changed to protect the innocent. select distinct c._id..
Unable to start Service Intent in my configuration or manifest or so. Please help me identifying the same. My code is below public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Is my Android App Draining Battery? and using the results of it mostly for the purposes of identifying CPU time consuming methods. So what's the best way of determining..
How to create Custom Ratings bar in Android This two images are of same size one is used for identifying selected Rating Bar and other for identifying unselectd RatingBar..
Android Programmatically Bluetooth Pairing to call the method as per this method it worked. I am identifying the Bluetooth device I connect to by its friendly name setting..
WebView memory leak in android app said using the task manager is not a very effective way of identifying memory leaks. Also look at this question . share improve this..
Basic Steps for Using MQTT in android http software to come up with a way of uniquely identifying users or devices and then use that as a topic so that you can..
Send message from a basic server to a specific client it will need to know which socket belongs to which client so the clients will have to send some message to the server identifying themselves and the server will need to read and interpret that message. Then it can respond with the appropriate response..
Proper way to give initial data to fragments B Should I initialize the fragment with factory pattern and set setRetainInstance true give the fragment a key for identifying the data and then letting the fragment fetch the data needed in onCreateView from some third source C Should I just make..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found
Implications of Android multiple user support (new in 4.2) for server side data model (e.g. android_id) devices users and installations. One issue is the use of android_id. The advice on the linked page above suggests identifying a device by one of the methods other then android_id but I believe that android_id is very widely used for this purpose...
Is there a way to detect 2G, 3G, or 4G on Android Device? since the set of older technologies is effectively fixed we aren't inventing new 2G networks a better strategy may be identifying network technologies that are not sufficient and displaying a warning if the connection is using a known slow technology..
android device id confusion OS In software eg https store apps details id com.vcastroi.changeid It is mainly used by developers eg identifying and connecting to devices using adb ANDROID_ID can be used to identify an Android device given the caveats above realistically.. for Android phone devices with a current SIM installed and a paid service with a telco. The SIM contains its own identifying number IMSI . This is obtained from the TelephonyManager.getSubscriberId API. Obviously the SIM may not be present at any..
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress and write to your FileOutputStream . You set that flag via a call to startService with a particular Intent structure identifying it as a cancel operation. You would need to override onStartCommand in your IntentService look at the Intent use it to set..
How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate] share improve this question You check this blog in the link below http android 2011 03 identifying app installations.html ANDROID_ID import android.provider.Settings.Secure private String android_id Secure.getString getContext..
Android.os.Build data examples, please [closed] I'm wondering what's the best identifying combination looking for stats. Thanks in advance. android share improve this question I've discovered this recently..
SQLiteDiskIOException in Android to reproduce. The query is somewhat complicated with three left joins. Below is a representative query with some identifying columns changed to protect the innocent. select distinct c._id as _id c.type as type as name c.slug as slug c.description..
Unable to start Service Intent are inside the same jar. I feel I have missed out some thing in my configuration or manifest or so. Please help me identifying the same. My code is below public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Intent intent..
Is my Android App Draining Battery? the performance to some other game. I've been running Traceview and using the results of it mostly for the purposes of identifying CPU time consuming methods. So what's the best way of determining my app's battery performance and what's a good benchmark..
How to create Custom Ratings bar in Android
Android Programmatically Bluetooth Pairing I've got to get this working on Android 2.2 so I used reflection to call the method as per this method it worked. I am identifying the Bluetooth device I connect to by its friendly name setting it to not require PIN bonding my Android APP now connects..
WebView memory leak in android app
Basic Steps for Using MQTT in android messages. There are a number of Java options listed at http software to come up with a way of uniquely identifying users or devices and then use that as a topic so that you can individually publish a message to one device. Dale Lane has..