

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:39

android Programming Glossary: holder.lockcanvas

Live Wallpaper Tutorial


animation. private void drawSomething final SurfaceHolder holder getSurfaceHolder Canvas canvas null try canvas holder.lockCanvas if canvas null canvas.drawARGB 200 colors 0 colors 1 colors 2 updateColors colors finally if canvas null holder.unlockCanvasAndPost..

Screen blinking when using a webview with flash


this @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height Canvas canvas holder.lockCanvas if canvas null canvas.drawColor Color.WHITE holder.unlockCanvasAndPost canvas @Override public void surfaceCreated..

Drawing to a SurfaceView in Android


SurfaceHolder holder private void tryDrawing SurfaceHolder holder Log.i TAG Trying to draw... Canvas canvas holder.lockCanvas if canvas null Log.e TAG Cannot draw onto the canvas as it's null else drawMyStuff canvas holder.unlockCanvasAndPost canvas.. SurfaceHolder holder private void tryDrawing SurfaceHolder holder Log.i TAG Trying to draw... Canvas canvas holder.lockCanvas if canvas null Log.e TAG Cannot draw onto the canvas as it's null else drawMyStuff canvas holder.unlockCanvasAndPost canvas..

Android SurfaceView/Canvas flickering after trying to clear it


drawColor. Here is the important bits of my code public void update This method is called by a Thread Canvas canvas holder.lockCanvas null if canvas null onDraw canvas holder.unlockCanvasAndPost canvas @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas if toClear..

live wallpaper with images


int xPixels int yPixels drawFrame void drawFrame final SurfaceHolder holder getSurfaceHolder Canvas c null try c holder.lockCanvas if c null c.drawBitmap image1 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image2 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image3 0 0 null finally if c null..