android Programming Glossary: dianne
Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context? about when to use getBaseContext other than a post from Dianne Hackborn one of the Google engineers working on the Android..
How many Activities vs Fragments? the details Fragment . e.g. Android 3.0 Fragments API by Dianne Hackborn and the Fragments API Guide On both devices functionality..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? to ask that it be opened up 1 . The response from Dianne Hackborn the Android architect was Um no. Absolutely positively..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? this question According to Android platform developer Dianne Hackborn in this discussion group post Dialogs set their Window's..
Android: Is application running in background? recommend to refrain from using it. And here's why. As Dianne Hackborn wrote These APIs are not there for applications to.. for its isApplicationBroughtToBackground method. See Dianne's comment above and don't use that method either. share improve..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? share improve this question I very much disagree with Dianne Hackborn and yes I realize she's an Android framework engineer..
How to save state during orientation change in Android if the state is made of my classes? data alive across activity destruction creation. And as Dianne pointed out retaining nonconfiguration data was for optimizing..
Closing the database in a ContentProvider share improve this question According to Dianne Hackborn Android framework engineer there is no need to close..
How do I Detect if Software Keyboard is Visible on Android Device? thread 1728f26f2334c060 5e4910f0d9eb898a where Dianne Hackborn from the Android team has replied. However you can..
Adding/Removing the language entries in the “Settings” -> “Select Locale” from Android phone a listed above. In the OS localization message thread Dianne Hackborn an Android framework engineer said the following The..
Is this the right way to clean-up Fragment back stack when leaving a deeply nested stack? you all the best solutions and not surprisingly is from Dianne Hackborn http group android developers browse_thread..
Clear back stack using fragments I posted something similar here From Joachim's answer from Dianne Hackborn http group android developers browse_thread..
IllegalStateException when replacing a Fragment can't delete these things from the layout. This is what Dianne Hackborn was saying in the discussion thread I linked to before...
ViewPager inside ListView android viewpager share improve this question Quoting Dianne Hackborn ViewPager is just not intended to be used as an item..
Maximum native memory that can be allocated to an android app to this android ndk Groups thread . A relevent quote from Dianne Hackborn. Also given that this is the NDK list the limit is..
START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY the same intent to onStartCommand . This article by Dianne Hackborn explained the background of this a lot better then..
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] layouts In the original blog post introducing fragments Dianne Hackborn says that Fragments make it easier for developers to..
Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context? orientation changes and such. I couldn't find really anything about when to use getBaseContext other than a post from Dianne Hackborn one of the Google engineers working on the Android SDK Don't use getBaseContext just use the Context you have...
How many Activities vs Fragments? a list Fragment in one Activity . Launch a new Activity with the details Fragment . e.g. Android 3.0 Fragments API by Dianne Hackborn and the Fragments API Guide On both devices functionality is in the Fragments . simple On the Tablet the whole..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? sad so back in 2009 I made an Android open source project submission to ask that it be opened up 1 . The response from Dianne Hackborn the Android architect was Um no. Absolutely positively not. So that went well then Hence this permission is still..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? Thanks a lot Fabian android dialog share improve this question According to Android platform developer Dianne Hackborn in this discussion group post Dialogs set their Window's top level layout width and height to WRAP_CONTENT. To..
Android: Is application running in background? may work and it indeed works most of the time I strongly recommend to refrain from using it. And here's why. As Dianne Hackborn wrote These APIs are not there for applications to base their UI flow on but to do things like show the user the..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? Reusability Testing Thanks in advance. java android patterns share improve this question I very much disagree with Dianne Hackborn and yes I realize she's an Android framework engineer thanks. We are bit by bit removing all singletons from our..
How to save state during orientation change in Android if the state is made of my classes? usually the best way to handle keeping expensive to recreate data alive across activity destruction creation. And as Dianne pointed out retaining nonconfiguration data was for optimizing things like thumbnail generation that are nice to save for..
Closing the database in a ContentProvider database in a provider if at all android sqlite android contentprovider share improve this question According to Dianne Hackborn Android framework engineer there is no need to close the database in a content provider. A content provider is..
How do I Detect if Software Keyboard is Visible on Android Device? way see http group android platform browse_thread thread 1728f26f2334c060 5e4910f0d9eb898a where Dianne Hackborn from the Android team has replied. However you can detect it indirectly by checking if the window size changed..
Adding/Removing the language entries in the “Settings” -> “Select Locale” from Android phone languages support Localization new locale HELP Back to the entry a listed above. In the OS localization message thread Dianne Hackborn an Android framework engineer said the following The settings app just shows you all of the locales that are available..
Is this the right way to clean-up Fragment back stack when leaving a deeply nested stack? depending on the intended behavior but this link should give you all the best solutions and not surprisingly is from Dianne Hackborn http group android developers browse_thread thread d2a5c203dad6ec42 Essentially you have the..
Clear back stack using fragments android android fragments share improve this question I posted something similar here From Joachim's answer from Dianne Hackborn http group android developers browse_thread thread d2a5c203dad6ec42 I ended up just using FragmentManager..
IllegalStateException when replacing a Fragment You can change their contents at run time or hide them but you can't delete these things from the layout. This is what Dianne Hackborn was saying in the discussion thread I linked to before. This is the right way to do it At least in my experience..
ViewPager inside ListView
Maximum native memory that can be allocated to an android app in the NDK. Someone asked this a while back and was referred to this android ndk Groups thread . A relevent quote from Dianne Hackborn. Also given that this is the NDK list the limit is actually not imposed on you because it is only on the Java heap...
START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY that tells the OS to recreate the service AND redelivery the same intent to onStartCommand . This article by Dianne Hackborn explained the background of this a lot better then the official documentation. Source http android
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] s over using custom View s that are reused in different layouts In the original blog post introducing fragments Dianne Hackborn says that Fragments make it easier for developers to write applications that can scale across a variety of screen..