

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:46

android Programming Glossary: croppedimage

Crop-to-fit image in Android


answer from Android Gallery source code here at line 230 D croppedImage Bitmap.createBitmap mOutputX mOutputY Bitmap.Config.RGB_565.. mOutputY Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas croppedImage Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect Rect dstRect new Rect 0 0 mOutputX..

How to crop image in android


want alpha channel which is the third param here. Bitmap croppedImage Bitmap.createBitmap width height mCircleCrop Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888.. Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas croppedImage RectF dstRect new RectF 0 0 width height canvas.drawBitmap mBitmap.. the all important PortDuff.Mode.CLEAR. Canvas c new Canvas croppedImage Path p new Path p.addCircle width 2F height 2F width 2F Path.Direction.CW..

Crop-to-fit image in Android


improve this question Thanks to open source I found the answer from Android Gallery source code here at line 230 D croppedImage Bitmap.createBitmap mOutputX mOutputY Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas croppedImage Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect.. here at line 230 D croppedImage Bitmap.createBitmap mOutputX mOutputY Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas croppedImage Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect Rect dstRect new Rect 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy srcRect.height..

How to crop image in android


r.width int height int r.height If we are circle cropping we want alpha channel which is the third param here. Bitmap croppedImage Bitmap.createBitmap width height mCircleCrop Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas croppedImage.. Bitmap.createBitmap width height mCircleCrop Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas croppedImage RectF dstRect new RectF 0 0 width height canvas.drawBitmap mBitmap r dstRect null canvas.drawOval dstRect null canvas.drawBitmap.. So we fill in the area around the circle with alpha. Note the all important PortDuff.Mode.CLEAR. Canvas c new Canvas croppedImage Path p new Path p.addCircle width 2F height 2F width 2F Path.Direction.CW c.clipPath p Region.Op.DIFFERENCE c.drawColor..