android Programming Glossary: cropoption
Let user crop image Uri.fromFile new File filePath final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent.. final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent intent.setType.. else for ResolveInfo res list final CropOption co new CropOption co.title getPackageManager .getApplicationLabel..
Android Camera Intent with Crop question Try This private void doCrop final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent.. final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent intent.setType.. i CROP_FROM_CAMERA else for ResolveInfo res list final CropOption co new CropOption co.title getPackageManager .getApplicationLabel..
Let user crop image . private void doCrop String filePath try New Flow mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile new File filePath final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent intent.setType image List.. try New Flow mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile new File filePath final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent intent.setType image List ResolveInfo list getPackageManager.. startActivityForResult i CROP_FROM_CAMERA else for ResolveInfo res list final CropOption co new CropOption co.title getPackageManager .getApplicationLabel res.activityInfo.applicationInfo co.icon getPackageManager..
Android Camera Intent with Crop android intent android camera crop share improve this question Try This private void doCrop final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent intent.setType image List ResolveInfo.. crop share improve this question Try This private void doCrop final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent intent.setType image List ResolveInfo list getPackageManager .queryIntentActivities.. startActivityForResult i CROP_FROM_CAMERA else for ResolveInfo res list final CropOption co new CropOption co.title getPackageManager .getApplicationLabel res.activityInfo.applicationInfo co.icon getPackageManager..