android Programming Glossary: credit
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start .metadata .plugins org.eclipse.core.resources .snap credit http job found still running after platform shutdown..
In-App billing not working (Your request could not be processed) shown correctly when trying to buy. The buyer has a valid credit card Thanks android in app purchase in app billing share..
Face Recognition on Android article was written by Petter Christian Bjelland so all credit is his. I am posting it here because his blog seems to be in..
Google Drive API doesn't play well with ProGuard (NPE) for a recent Google Drive project. Cannot take all credit for this solution though originally found at this link here..
Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically parentView.addView linearLayout relativeParams All credit to sechastain to relatively position your items programmatically..
Intercept back button from soft keyboard event Unfortunately I can't take all the credit. If you check the Android source for the quick SearchDialog..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? the web that I wish I bookmarked cause I want to give credit For each type of data that I need to pull from the db I create..
Reading a Json Array in android url json_data.getString balance json_data.getString credit json_data.getString displayName And my sample JSON files.. xxxxx xxxx xxxx 2002 url http balance 1.0 credit 1.0 displayName hsbc bank account 2 name card2 number xxxxx.. xxxxx xxxx xxxx 3003 url http balance 2.0 credit 2.0 displayName nsb bank count 2 It has a curly brace in front...
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? done with I was finally able to acheive the goal. All the credit goes to number of open source projects and their developers...
How to delete SQLite database from Android programmatically database file from the Android file system . Now for extra credit How can I do this programatically Can I have a shell script..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? days summary where x is the current Preference value Extra credit make this reusable so I can easily apply it to all my preferences..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) anyone know where this code came from please comment and credit that person UPDATE Here you go This is where I found this share..
Can an Android NFC phone act as an NFC tag? to emulate something like a transit card access key or credit card which would require a secure element I think but not sure..
background scrolling with item in gridview It's based on Shelves by Romain Guy so he deserves the credit for the original code. package net.nightwhistler.pageturner.view..
Android: How to declare global variables? If someone does have an answer to this I am willing to credit them and put the information in this post for maximum visibility...
Android and Facebook share intent void invokeShare Activity activity String quote String credit Intent shareIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] Image. Al those posts that helped me really deserve some credit but I cant find any of them. Edit GIT https maikelbollemeijer..
Getting Product information like name, price etc using barcode number android name android.permission.INTERNET in your manifest. Credit to this guy http developer 101 100793 java..
android swipe to delete list row you can use it specifically or look at how he does it. Credit to him. https commonsguy cwac touchlist share improve..
How to open downloaded file (pdf,zip,docx, etc) in Phonegap app? ' sdcard download sample samplesurf.pdf' open a body html Credit goes to http 2011 08 download and open pdf..
Android App is not compatible with Samsung galaxy S4 screen android screenDensity 480 android screenSize normal Credit also given to CommonsWare here . share improve this answer..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 the latest SDK ADT Tools and the play services of course. Credit this text comes from this StackOverflow answer share improve..
Why does keyboard-slide crash my app? 08 15.811 D MyViewFlipper 6106 Stopped a viewflipper crash Credit http p android issues detail id 6191 share..
Android - detect phone unlock event, not screen on it is fired implement what you want for your activity. Credit goes to CommonsWare's answer here http questions..
OS X 10.6.6 and “adb devices” fails to list android devices Library Extensions EasyTetherUSBEthernet.kext Reference Credit http post.php s 2011 02 17 android debug bridge..
Android in-app billing Verification of Receipt in Dot Net(C#)
Altering the result of getRecentTasks future use. android home share improve this question Credit goes to the author of Toddler Lock with whom I spoke about the..
How can I refresh the ActionBar when onPrepareOptionsMenu switched menu entries? 11 VersionHelper.refreshActionBarMenu this Credit for this method goes to CommonsWare search for HoneycombHelper..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start
In-App billing not working (Your request could not be processed) from google's in app billing example The in app product IS shown correctly when trying to buy. The buyer has a valid credit card Thanks android in app purchase in app billing share improve this question Couple of things you have to consider...
Face Recognition on Android share improve this question Update The following article was written by Petter Christian Bjelland so all credit is his. I am posting it here because his blog seems to be in Maintenance mode at the moment but I think it is worth sharing...
Google Drive API doesn't play well with ProGuard (NPE)
Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically relativeParams.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP parentView.addView linearLayout relativeParams All credit to sechastain to relatively position your items programmatically you have to assign ids to them. TextView tv1 new TextView..
Intercept back button from soft keyboard return true return super.dispatchKeyEventPreIme event Unfortunately I can't take all the credit. If you check the Android source for the quick SearchDialog box you will see where the idea came from. share improve this..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? from info gained in the Commonsware books and some stuff around the web that I wish I bookmarked cause I want to give credit For each type of data that I need to pull from the db I create an adapter class not subclassed from anything . These adapter..
Reading a Json Array in android json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString url json_data.getString balance json_data.getString credit json_data.getString displayName And my sample JSON files syntax is as follows list account 1 name card number xxxxx.. syntax is as follows list account 1 name card number xxxxx xxxx xxxx 2002 url http balance 1.0 credit 1.0 displayName hsbc bank account 2 name card2 number xxxxx xxxx xxxx 3003 url http balance 2.0 credit.. 1.0 displayName hsbc bank account 2 name card2 number xxxxx xxxx xxxx 3003 url http balance 2.0 credit 2.0 displayName nsb bank count 2 It has a curly brace in front. When i try to execute this code block it gives an error..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? and searching various implementations on the internet done with I was finally able to acheive the goal. All the credit goes to number of open source projects and their developers. I would like to share this knowledge with all Since SO encourages..
How to delete SQLite database from Android programmatically Thanks for the two answers showing how to delete the database file from the Android file system . Now for extra credit How can I do this programatically Can I have a shell script launch adb which in turns runs a shell script in the Android..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? to see Discard old messages title Clean up messages after x days summary where x is the current Preference value Extra credit make this reusable so I can easily apply it to all my preferences regardless of their type so that it work with EditTextPreference..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android)
Can an Android NFC phone act as an NFC tag?
background scrolling with item in gridview trying to do this here's the code from my e book reader. It's based on Shelves by Romain Guy so he deserves the credit for the original code. package net.nightwhistler.pageturner.view import net.nightwhistler.pageturner.R import net.nightwhistler.pageturner.library.LibraryBook..
Android: How to declare global variables? qualified to answer how that would interact with my solution. If someone does have an answer to this I am willing to credit them and put the information in this post for maximum visibility. ADDENDUM As some people have noted this is not a solution..
Android and Facebook share intent however this no longer appears to work for Facebook. public void invokeShare Activity activity String quote String credit Intent shareIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND shareIntent.setType text plain shareIntent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] Animation back to the left it states returns as the first Image. Al those posts that helped me really deserve some credit but I cant find any of them. Edit GIT https maikelbollemeijer sidepanelswitcher Update https jfeinstein10..
Getting Product information like name, price etc using barcode number builder to match ^. Also make sure you put uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET in your manifest. Credit to this guy http developer 101 100793 java net unknownhostexception.html . Happy coding share improve..
android swipe to delete list row
How to open downloaded file (pdf,zip,docx, etc) in Phonegap app?
Android App is not compatible with Samsung galaxy S4
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12
Why does keyboard-slide crash my app?
Android - detect phone unlock event, not screen on fired. Create a handler and wait for ACTION_USER_PRESENT. When it is fired implement what you want for your activity. Credit goes to CommonsWare's answer here http questions 3462843 android what happens when device is unlocked..
OS X 10.6.6 and “adb devices” fails to list android devices
Android in-app billing Verification of Receipt in Dot Net(C#)
Altering the result of getRecentTasks appropriate tags to this question. I'll note them for future use. android home share improve this question Credit goes to the author of Toddler Lock with whom I spoke about the issue. Errors introduced are entirely mine. Create within..
How can I refresh the ActionBar when onPrepareOptionsMenu switched menu entries? your code above replace invalidateOptionsMenu with if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 VersionHelper.refreshActionBarMenu this Credit for this method goes to CommonsWare search for HoneycombHelper and check out his books highly recommended share improve..