

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:34

android Programming Glossary: count

Android Endless List


firstVisible visibleCount totalCount if loadMore adapter.count visibleCount or any other amount adapter.notifyDataSetChanged.. AbsListView v int s class Aleph0 extends BaseAdapter int count 40 starting amount public int getCount return count public Object.. int count 40 starting amount public int getCount return count public Object getItem int pos return pos public long getItemId..

How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed]


public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start.. void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count adapter.getFilter .filter s @Override protected void onDestroy..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


byte data new byte 4096 long total 0 int count while count input.read data 1 allow canceling with back button.. byte data new byte 4096 long total 0 int count while count input.read data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled.. with back button if isCancelled return null total count publishing the progress.... if fileLength 0 only if total..

Android: Is application running in background?


running separately from yours and not something you can count on a seeing in time to make the correct decision or b have a..

How to get IP address of the device?


byte bytes new byte BUFLEN boolean isUTF8 false int read count 0 while read is.read bytes 1 if count 0 bytes 0 byte 0xEF.. false int read count 0 while read is.read bytes 1 if count 0 bytes 0 byte 0xEF bytes 1 byte 0xBB bytes 2 byte 0xBF isUTF8.. 3 drop UTF8 bom marker else baos.write bytes 0 read count read return isUTF8 new String baos.toByteArray UTF 8 new String..

How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android?


SMS_READ_COLUMN 0 null String SORT_ORDER date DESC int count 0 Log.v WHERE_CONDITION if ignoreThreadId 0 Log.v Ignoring.. WHERE_CONDITION null SORT_ORDER if cursor null try count cursor.getCount if count 0 cursor.moveToFirst String columns.. if cursor null try count cursor.getCount if count 0 cursor.moveToFirst String columns cursor.getColumnNames..

Transferring data USB


UsbDeviceConnection conn usbm.openDevice dev l Interface Count dev.getInterfaceCount l Using String.format 04X 04X sDevice.getVendorId.. conn usbm.openDevice dev l Interface Count dev.getInterfaceCount l Using String.format 04X 04X sDevice.getVendorId sDevice.getProductId.. usbIf dev.getInterface 0 for int i 0 i usbIf.getEndpointCount i l EP String.format 0x 02X usbIf.getEndpoint i .getAddress..

How to show Notification Count on My App Icon on Home Screen in Android


to show Notification Count on My App Icon on Home Screen in Android The question is that..

MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView


#region Implementation of Key required methods public int Count get return _realList.Count public Wrapped this int index get.. Key required methods public int Count get return _realList.Count public Wrapped this int index get return Wrap _realList index..

Reusing views in Android Listview with 2 different layouts


odds. return position 2 @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 2 Count of different layouts Incorporate getItemViewType.. position 2 @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 2 Count of different layouts Incorporate getItemViewType inside getView..

Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2


boolean mIsListening protected volatile boolean mIsCountDownOn static final int MSG_RECOGNIZER_START_LISTENING 1 static.. Log.d TAG message canceled recognizer NON NLS 1 break Count down timer for Jelly Bean work around protected CountDownTimer.. Count down timer for Jelly Bean work around protected CountDownTimer mNoSpeechCountDown new CountDownTimer 5000 5000 @Override..

Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece


Record record new Record record.run count Log.d COUNT Count is count public class Record extends Thread static final int..

How to get the number of unread gmail mails (on android)


my question remains Q How can I get the Gmail Unread Count Sorry if it seams a bit insistent but I clearly lack the knowledge..

Live Character Count For EditText Android


Character Count For EditText Android I was wondering what the best way to do..

Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see


MB 21.69 47 156 And in the detail table it shows Type Count Total Size Smallest Largest Median Average free 1 536 8.739MB..

Android: setting a spinner onClickListener()


Edit Per recomendation I tried this int a spinnerMes.getCount int b spinnerMes.getChildCount System.out.println Count a System.out.println.. this int a spinnerMes.getCount int b spinnerMes.getChildCount System.out.println Count a System.out.println ChildCount b for.. int b spinnerMes.getChildCount System.out.println Count a System.out.println ChildCount b for int i 0 i b i View v..

How to detect USER INACTIVITY in android


User bring Myapp to background and starts some other app Count down timer starts and logs out user after 5 mins OR user turns.. logs out user after 5 mins OR user turns the screen OFF Count down timer starts and logs out user after 5 mins My Question..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


Constants.CONTENT_URI null null null null int a c.getCount Log.v Count a int columnIndex c.getColumnIndex Constants.TITLE.. null null null null int a c.getCount Log.v Count a int columnIndex c.getColumnIndex Constants.TITLE int columnIndex2..

how can i read inbox in android mobile?


new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount Log.e Count.. 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount Log.e Count count while cursor1.moveToNext out.write message.. 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount Log.e Count count while cursor1.moveToNext out.write message String address..

Application Launch Count


Launch Count I am working on an application wherein after say 5 times the..

Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events


Calendar.getInstance int notifIterator 0 if notifCursor.getCount 0 while notifCursor.moveToNext Intent intent new Intent MySchedule.this.. notification new Notification icon tickerText when Count of number of notifications notification.number notifCount CharSequence.. Count of number of notifications notification.number notifCount CharSequence contentTitle your title CharSequence contentText..

Android Custom Listview


that this View is always of the right type see getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType int . So in above method when you are doing.. ApiDemos . If your screen showing 10 Rows then convertView Count 10 1 11 10 Rows what you are seeing on screen one extra to show.. null ... block will be called only 11 times. getView Count Initially count will be 10 but when you start scrolling count..

How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api?


.getAccessToken GET THE ALBUM'S PHOTO COUNT if JOAlbums.has count albums.setAlbumPhotoCount JOAlbums.. .getAccessToken GET THE ALBUM'S PHOTO COUNT if JOAlbums.has count albums.setAlbumPhotoCount JOAlbums..

Lazy download images into gridView


else photos.setPhotoPicture null GET THE ALBUM'S PHOTO COUNT if JOPhotos.has source photos.setPhotoSource JOPhotos .getString..

Android SQLite performance in complex queries


SUM 2 w t p FROM SELECT t._id team_id t.name team_name COUNT CASE WHEN score_home IS NOT NULL THEN 1 END gp COUNT CASE WHEN.. COUNT CASE WHEN score_home IS NOT NULL THEN 1 END gp COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END w COUNT CASE WHEN.. END gp COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END w COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END t COUNT CASE WHEN..

Android: how to warp images?


static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final.. final Bitmap mBitmap private final float mVerts new float COUNT 2 private final float mOrig new float COUNT 2 private final.. new float COUNT 2 private final float mOrig new float COUNT 2 private final Matrix mMatrix new Matrix private final Matrix..

How to generate Image Histogram in Android?


int greenValue int green int blueValue int blue THESE COUNTERS COUNT TOTAL NUMBER OF PIXELS FOR THAT Red Green or Blue Value.. int green int blueValue int blue THESE COUNTERS COUNT TOTAL NUMBER OF PIXELS FOR THAT Red Green or Blue Value IN ENTIRE..

Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece


1000000 Record record new Record record.run count Log.d COUNT Count is count public class Record extends Thread static final..

Problem drawing a sphere in OPENGL ES


FloatBuffer.allocate 40000 mPoints build Log.d ALIS CHECK COUNT mPoints public void draw GL10 gl gl.glFrontFace GL10.GL_CW gl.glEnableClientState..

I want to fetch and view sms conversations?


SELECT thread_id AS group_thread_id MAX date AS group_date COUNT AS msg_count FROM sms GROUP BY thread_id AS groups WHERE sms.thread_id..

How to get Missed call & SMS count


sms_content null null null null c.moveToFirst Log.d SMS COUNT c.getCount do some other operation Here proceed with the what..

How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API?


CalendarContract.Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME CalendarContract.Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME CalendarContract.Calendars.NAME.. Earth .putExtra Events.RRULE FREQ DAILY COUNT 10 .putExtra Events.AVAILABILITY Events.AVAILABILITY_BUSY .putExtra..

How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application


myConnection myCommand.CommandText SELECT COUNT FROM Login WHERE UserName @UserName AND Password @Password myCommand.Parameters.Add..

Android Endless List


int totalCount boolean loadMore maybe add a padding firstVisible visibleCount totalCount if loadMore adapter.count visibleCount or any other amount adapter.notifyDataSetChanged public void onScrollStateChanged AbsListView v int s class.. public void onScrollStateChanged AbsListView v int s class Aleph0 extends BaseAdapter int count 40 starting amount public int getCount return count public Object getItem int pos return pos public long getItemId int pos.. AbsListView v int s class Aleph0 extends BaseAdapter int count 40 starting amount public int getCount return count public Object getItem int pos return pos public long getItemId int pos return pos public View getView int pos View v ViewGroup..

How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed]


new TextWatcher public void afterTextChanged Editable s public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count adapter.getFilter .filter s @Override.. CharSequence s int start int count int after public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count adapter.getFilter .filter s @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy filterText.removeTextChangedListener filterTextWatcher..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


output new FileOutputStream sdcard file_name.extension byte data new byte 4096 long total 0 int count while count input.read data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled return null total count publishing the.. output new FileOutputStream sdcard file_name.extension byte data new byte 4096 long total 0 int count while count input.read data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled return null total count publishing the progress...... 0 int count while count input.read data 1 allow canceling with back button if isCancelled return null total count publishing the progress.... if fileLength 0 only if total length is known publishProgress int total 100 fileLength output.write..

Android: Is application running in background?


However it is off in another process managed by threads running separately from yours and not something you can count on a seeing in time to make the correct decision or b have a consistent picture by the time you return. Plus the decision..

How to get IP address of the device?


ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream BUFLEN byte bytes new byte BUFLEN boolean isUTF8 false int read count 0 while read is.read bytes 1 if count 0 bytes 0 byte 0xEF bytes 1 byte 0xBB bytes 2 byte 0xBF isUTF8 true baos.write.. BUFLEN byte bytes new byte BUFLEN boolean isUTF8 false int read count 0 while read is.read bytes 1 if count 0 bytes 0 byte 0xEF bytes 1 byte 0xBB bytes 2 byte 0xBF isUTF8 true baos.write bytes 3 read 3 drop UTF8 bom marker else.. 0xBB bytes 2 byte 0xBF isUTF8 true baos.write bytes 3 read 3 drop UTF8 bom marker else baos.write bytes 0 read count read return isUTF8 new String baos.toByteArray UTF 8 new String baos.toByteArray finally try is.close catch Exception ex..

How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android?


SMS_READ_COLUMN read String WHERE_CONDITION unreadOnly SMS_READ_COLUMN 0 null String SORT_ORDER date DESC int count 0 Log.v WHERE_CONDITION if ignoreThreadId 0 Log.v Ignoring sms threadId ignoreThreadId WHERE_CONDITION AND thread_id.. new String _id thread_id address person date body WHERE_CONDITION null SORT_ORDER if cursor null try count cursor.getCount if count 0 cursor.moveToFirst String columns cursor.getColumnNames for int i 0 i columns.length.. address person date body WHERE_CONDITION null SORT_ORDER if cursor null try count cursor.getCount if count 0 cursor.moveToFirst String columns cursor.getColumnNames for int i 0 i columns.length i Log.v columns i columns..

Transferring data USB


UsbManager usbm UsbManager getSystemService USB_SERVICE UsbDeviceConnection conn usbm.openDevice dev l Interface Count dev.getInterfaceCount l Using String.format 04X 04X sDevice.getVendorId sDevice.getProductId if conn.claimInterface.. UsbManager getSystemService USB_SERVICE UsbDeviceConnection conn usbm.openDevice dev l Interface Count dev.getInterfaceCount l Using String.format 04X 04X sDevice.getVendorId sDevice.getProductId if conn.claimInterface dev.getInterface 0 true.. epIN null UsbEndpoint epOUT null byte counter 0 UsbInterface usbIf dev.getInterface 0 for int i 0 i usbIf.getEndpointCount i l EP String.format 0x 02X usbIf.getEndpoint i .getAddress if usbIf.getEndpoint i .getType UsbConstants.USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK..

How to show Notification Count on My App Icon on Home Screen in Android


to show Notification Count on My App Icon on Home Screen in Android The question is that Android places new alerts in the system wide notification..

MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView


new MvxRelayCommand _realAction4 item TheItem item #region Implementation of Key required methods public int Count get return _realList.Count public Wrapped this int index get return Wrap _realList index set throw new NotImplementedException.. _realAction4 item TheItem item #region Implementation of Key required methods public int Count get return _realList.Count public Wrapped this int index get return Wrap _realList index set throw new NotImplementedException #endregion #region..

Reusing views in Android Listview with 2 different layouts


way to determine which layout to use here it's just evens and odds. return position 2 @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 2 Count of different layouts Incorporate getItemViewType inside getView like this if convertView null You can move.. which layout to use here it's just evens and odds. return position 2 @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 2 Count of different layouts Incorporate getItemViewType inside getView like this if convertView null You can move this line into..

Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2


mServerMessenger new Messenger new IncomingHandler this protected boolean mIsListening protected volatile boolean mIsCountDownOn static final int MSG_RECOGNIZER_START_LISTENING 1 static final int MSG_RECOGNIZER_CANCEL 2 @Override public void onCreate.. target.mSpeechRecognizer.cancel target.mIsListening false Log.d TAG message canceled recognizer NON NLS 1 break Count down timer for Jelly Bean work around protected CountDownTimer mNoSpeechCountDown new CountDownTimer 5000 5000 @Override.. false Log.d TAG message canceled recognizer NON NLS 1 break Count down timer for Jelly Bean work around protected CountDownTimer mNoSpeechCountDown new CountDownTimer 5000 5000 @Override public void onTick long millisUntilFinished TODO Auto..

Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece


am.setMicrophoneMute true while count 1000000 Record record new Record record.run count Log.d COUNT Count is count public class Record extends Thread static final int bufferSize 200000 final short buffer new short bufferSize..

How to get the number of unread gmail mails (on android)


a couple of other sites that talked about this particular subject my question remains Q How can I get the Gmail Unread Count Sorry if it seams a bit insistent but I clearly lack the knowledge to find this out on my own from the source. PS I would..

Live Character Count For EditText Android


Character Count For EditText Android I was wondering what the best way to do a live character count of an edit text box is in Android...

Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see


Size Allocated Free Used #Objects 1 11.195 MB 2.428 MB 8.767 MB 21.69 47 156 And in the detail table it shows Type Count Total Size Smallest Largest Median Average free 1 536 8.739MB 16B 7.750MB 24B 5.825KB The largest block is 7.7MB. And yet..

Android: setting a spinner onClickListener()


since I have to little rep so I started a new question. Edit Per recomendation I tried this int a spinnerMes.getCount int b spinnerMes.getChildCount System.out.println Count a System.out.println ChildCount b for int i 0 i b i View v spinnerMes.getChildAt.. so I started a new question. Edit Per recomendation I tried this int a spinnerMes.getCount int b spinnerMes.getChildCount System.out.println Count a System.out.println ChildCount b for int i 0 i b i View v spinnerMes.getChildAt i if v null .. Edit Per recomendation I tried this int a spinnerMes.getCount int b spinnerMes.getChildCount System.out.println Count a System.out.println ChildCount b for int i 0 i b i View v spinnerMes.getChildAt i if v null System.out.println View not..

How to detect USER INACTIVITY in android


Does some operations on the app....... all in foreground Now User bring Myapp to background and starts some other app Count down timer starts and logs out user after 5 mins OR user turns the screen OFF Count down timer starts and logs out user.. and starts some other app Count down timer starts and logs out user after 5 mins OR user turns the screen OFF Count down timer starts and logs out user after 5 mins My Question I want this same behavior even when the app is in the foreground..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


Error e to retrieve from Db Cursor c getContentResolver .query Constants.CONTENT_URI null null null null int a c.getCount Log.v Count a int columnIndex c.getColumnIndex Constants.TITLE int columnIndex2 c.getColumnIndex Constants.CITYID if.. retrieve from Db Cursor c getContentResolver .query Constants.CONTENT_URI null null null null int a c.getCount Log.v Count a int columnIndex c.getColumnIndex Constants.TITLE int columnIndex2 c.getColumnIndex Constants.CITYID if c.moveToNext..

how can i read inbox in android mobile?


type null null null startManagingCursor cursor1 String columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount Log.e Count count while cursor1.moveToNext out.write message String address.. columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount Log.e Count count while cursor1.moveToNext out.write message String address cursor1.getString cursor1 .getColumnIndex.. new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount Log.e Count count while cursor1.moveToNext out.write message String address cursor1.getString cursor1 .getColumnIndex columns 0 ..

Application Launch Count


Launch Count I am working on an application wherein after say 5 times the app is opened by a user at 6th attempt the app should ask..

Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events


is same as what you have in manifest file. Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance int notifIterator 0 if notifCursor.getCount 0 while notifCursor.moveToNext Intent intent new Intent MySchedule.this RepeatingAlarm.class As the same intent cancels.. your text long when System.currentTimeMillis Notification notification new Notification icon tickerText when Count of number of notifications notification.number notifCount CharSequence contentTitle your title CharSequence contentText.. notification new Notification icon tickerText when Count of number of notifications notification.number notifCount CharSequence contentTitle your title CharSequence contentText your notification text The PendingIntent to launch our activity..

Android Custom Listview


lists can specify their number of view types so that this View is always of the right type see getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType int . So in above method when you are doing the following thing you are reusing your convertView. if.. Answer Lets take an example of Efficeint Adapter from ApiDemos . If your screen showing 10 Rows then convertView Count 10 1 11 10 Rows what you are seeing on screen one extra to show scrolling effect . That means statements in if convertView.. show scrolling effect . That means statements in if convertView null ... block will be called only 11 times. getView Count Initially count will be 10 but when you start scrolling count keep on increasing. getView called every time to update data...

How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api?


id picture type album access_token Utility.mFacebook .getAccessToken GET THE ALBUM'S PHOTO COUNT if JOAlbums.has count albums.setAlbumPhotoCount JOAlbums .getString count else albums.setAlbumPhotoCount 0 arrAlbums.add.. id picture type album access_token Utility.mFacebook .getAccessToken GET THE ALBUM'S PHOTO COUNT if JOAlbums.has count albums.setAlbumPhotoCount JOAlbums .getString count else albums.setAlbumPhotoCount 0 arrAlbums.add..

Lazy download images into gridView


photos.setPhotoPicture JOPhotos .getString picture else photos.setPhotoPicture null GET THE ALBUM'S PHOTO COUNT if JOPhotos.has source photos.setPhotoSource JOPhotos .getString source else photos.setPhotoSource null arrPhotos.add..

Android SQLite performance in complex queries


w w SUM t t SUM l l SUM GO go SUM GA ga SUM GO SUM GA score SUM 2 w t p FROM SELECT t._id team_id t.name team_name COUNT CASE WHEN score_home IS NOT NULL THEN 1 END gp COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END w COUNT CASE WHEN score_home.. GA score SUM 2 w t p FROM SELECT t._id team_id t.name team_name COUNT CASE WHEN score_home IS NOT NULL THEN 1 END gp COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END w COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END t COUNT CASE WHEN score_home.. team_name COUNT CASE WHEN score_home IS NOT NULL THEN 1 END gp COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END w COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END t COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END l SUM score_home go SUM score_away..

Android: how to warp images?


not working properly private static final int WIDTH 20 private static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final float mVerts new float COUNT 2 private final float mOrig new.. 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final float mVerts new float COUNT 2 private final float mOrig new float COUNT 2 private final Matrix mMatrix new Matrix private final Matrix mInverse new.. HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final float mVerts new float COUNT 2 private final float mOrig new float COUNT 2 private final Matrix mMatrix new Matrix private final Matrix mInverse new Matrix private static void setXY float array..

How to generate Image Histogram in Android?


THEY CAN BE MATCHED WITH ARRAY'S INDEX. int redValue int red int greenValue int green int blueValue int blue THESE COUNTERS COUNT TOTAL NUMBER OF PIXELS FOR THAT Red Green or Blue Value IN ENTIRE IMAGE. fltR redValue fltG greenValue fltB.. BE MATCHED WITH ARRAY'S INDEX. int redValue int red int greenValue int green int blueValue int blue THESE COUNTERS COUNT TOTAL NUMBER OF PIXELS FOR THAT Red Green or Blue Value IN ENTIRE IMAGE. fltR redValue fltG greenValue fltB blueValue..

Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece


Context.AUDIO_SERVICE am.setMicrophoneMute true while count 1000000 Record record new Record record.run count Log.d COUNT Count is count public class Record extends Thread static final int bufferSize 200000 final short buffer new short bufferSize..

Problem drawing a sphere in OPENGL ES


double step this.mRaduis radius this.mStep step sphereVertex FloatBuffer.allocate 40000 mPoints build Log.d ALIS CHECK COUNT mPoints public void draw GL10 gl gl.glFrontFace GL10.GL_CW gl.glEnableClientState GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY gl.glVertexPointer..

I want to fetch and view sms conversations?


error while compiling SELECT body AS snippet FROM sms SELECT thread_id AS group_thread_id MAX date AS group_date COUNT AS msg_count FROM sms GROUP BY thread_id AS groups WHERE sms.thread_id groups.group_thread_id AND sms.date groups.group_date..

How to get Missed call & SMS count


Uri.parse content sms Cursor c this.getContentResolver .query sms_content null null null null c.moveToFirst Log.d SMS COUNT c.getCount do some other operation Here proceed with the what you wanted if c.getCount SOME_VALUE_TO_START_APP_ONE ...etc..

How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API?


String projection new String CalendarContract.Calendars._ID CalendarContract.Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME CalendarContract.Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME CalendarContract.Calendars.NAME CalendarContract.Calendars.CALENDAR_COLOR.. out with friends to do something awesome. .putExtra Events.EVENT_LOCATION Earth .putExtra Events.RRULE FREQ DAILY COUNT 10 .putExtra Events.AVAILABILITY Events.AVAILABILITY_BUSY .putExtra Events.ACCESS_LEVEL Events.ACCESS_PRIVATE .putExtra..

How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application


using SqlCommand myCommand new SqlCommand myCommand.Connection myConnection myCommand.CommandText SELECT COUNT FROM Login WHERE UserName @UserName AND Password @Password myCommand.Parameters.Add @UserName SqlDbType.VarChar .Value UserName..