android Programming Glossary: countertimer
how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively? true public void setTimer long finishTime 5 CountDownTimer counterTimer new CountDownTimer finishTime 1000 1000 public void onFinish.. 0 seconds else txtTimer.setText minutes seconds counterTimer.start WelcomeActivity public class WelcomeActivity extends.. as the camera etc. In your code you should also make the counterTimer you use in setTimer a class member not a local variable if you..
Unable to solve errors in android? private GamePlay currentGame private CountDownTimer counterTimer @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. score1 TextView findViewById score1.setText scr counterTimer new CountDownTimer 15000 1000 public void onFinish if currentGame.getRound.. time.setText millisUntilFinished 1000 counterTimer.start @Override public void onResume super.onResume @Override..
how to start new countdowntimer in dialog box with remaining seconds? how to do this please help me. Code of countdown timer counterTimer new CountDownTimer 15000 1000 public void onFinish if currentGame.getRound.. time.setText millisUntilFinished 1000 counterTimer.start Code for Dialog Box if arg0.getId Button yes.. R.layout.dialog1 dialog.setCancelable true counterTimer.cancel to set the message TextView message TextView dialog.findViewById..
how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively? Incorrect Answer currentGame.decrementScore return true public void setTimer long finishTime 5 CountDownTimer counterTimer new CountDownTimer finishTime 1000 1000 public void onFinish code to execute when time finished public void onTick long.. 60 seconds seconds 60 if seconds 10 txtTimer.setText minutes 0 seconds else txtTimer.setText minutes seconds counterTimer.start WelcomeActivity public class WelcomeActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener @Override public void onCreate.. place to begin animations open exclusive access devices such as the camera etc. In your code you should also make the counterTimer you use in setTimer a class member not a local variable if you don't it will go out of scope once the setTimer call completes..
Unable to solve errors in android? Activity implements OnClickListener private Question currentQ private GamePlay currentGame private CountDownTimer counterTimer @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.question.. String scr String.valueOf score TextView score1 TextView findViewById score1.setText scr counterTimer new CountDownTimer 15000 1000 public void onFinish if currentGame.getRound 20 System.exit 0 currentGame.decrementScore1.. long millisUntilFinished TextView time TextView findViewById time.setText millisUntilFinished 1000 counterTimer.start @Override public void onResume super.onResume @Override public void onClick View arg0 Log.d Questions Moving to next..
how to start new countdowntimer in dialog box with remaining seconds? But i am unable to get remaining seconds. If someone know how to do this please help me. Code of countdown timer counterTimer new CountDownTimer 15000 1000 public void onFinish if currentGame.getRound 20 nextBtn1.setEnabled false nextBtn2.setEnabled.. long millisUntilFinished TextView time TextView findViewById time.setText millisUntilFinished 1000 counterTimer.start Code for Dialog Box if arg0.getId Button yes no final Dialog dialog new Dialog this dialog new Dialog this dialog.setContentView R.layout.dialog1 dialog.setCancelable true counterTimer.cancel to set the message TextView message TextView dialog.findViewById message.setText Are you..