python Programming Glossary: sp
Fast Way to slice image into overlapping patches and merge patches to image weights imgOut weights imgOut My code is really slow and speed is a critical issue as this should be done on ca. 10^8 patches... and weights_unpatchify can be precomputed once so speed is only an issue for patchify and unpatchify. Thanks for.. fast patchifying and unpatchifying INPUTS sx image size sp patch size step offset between two patches default 1 1 OUTPUTS..
Image comparison algorithm A similar question was asked a year ago and has numerous responses including one regarding pixelizing the images which I was.. your above three images saved as im1.jpg im2.jpg im3.jpg respectively . The final output shows im1 compared with itself as.. then each image compared with the others. import scipy as sp from scipy.misc import imread from scipy.signal.signaltools..
How to detect a Christmas Tree? an application that detects the christmas trees displayed in the following images I'm searching for solutions that.. question. There are 6 input images and the answer should display the results of processing each of them. Finally for each.. in most of the photos. I convert the rgb image to hsv space and require that the hue is either less than 0.2 on a 0.0..
Python DBUS SESSION_BUS - X11 dependency stderr subprocess.STDOUT for var in p.stdout sp var.split ' ' 1 print sp os.environ sp 0 sp 1 1 share improve.. stderr subprocess.STDOUT for var in p.stdout sp var.split ' ' 1 print sp os.environ sp 0 sp 1 1 share improve this..
fitting exponential decay with no initial guessing returned a few blog posts for example http 2010 04 how to fit exponential decay example in.html but.. in.html but that solution requires y offset to be pre specified which is not always possible EDIT curve_fit works but.. is # usr bin env python import numpy as np import scipy as sp import pylab as pl from scipy.optimize.minpack import curve_fit..
How can I improve my paw detection? as the front paw With my simple script it won't be able to split these two because it would have to determine which frames.. def find_paws data smooth_radius 5 threshold 0.0001 data sp.ndimage.uniform_filter data smooth_radius thresh data threshold.. data smooth_radius thresh data threshold filled sp.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes thresh coded_paws num_paws..
Python - can I detect unicode string language code? of text and I need to detect the language code en de fr sp etc . Is there a simple way to do this in python thanks. python.. this question If you need to detect language in response to a user action then you could use google ajax language.. referrer d json.load urllib2.urlopen request if d 'responseStatus' 200 or u'error' in d 'responseData' raise IOError..
Decorate \ delegate a File object to add functionality module and a helper function import subprocess as sp def run command description Runs a command in a formatted manner... sys.stderr.write ' 65s' description s sp.Popen command shell True stderr sp.PIPE stdout sp.PIPE out err.. ' 65s' description s sp.Popen command shell True stderr sp.PIPE stdout sp.PIPE out err s.communicate end
Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data) 0.8170 1.0000 rows array 0.0000 0.2620 0.6121 1.0000 sp interpolate.RectBivariateSpline rows cols z kx 1 ky 1 s 0 xi.. yi np.array 0.000 0.167 0.815 1.000 dtype np.float print sp xi yi As another way of visualizing this the array of values.. or LSQBivariateSpline . If you want to use splines to interpolate the data go with these. this makes your..
How to get exit code when using Python subprocess communicate method? the communicate method Relevant code import subprocess as sp data sp.Popen openRTSP opts.split stdout sp.PIPE .communicate.. method Relevant code import subprocess as sp data sp.Popen openRTSP opts.split stdout sp.PIPE .communicate 0 Should.. code import subprocess as sp data sp.Popen openRTSP opts.split stdout sp.PIPE .communicate 0 Should I be doing this another..
Convolution computations in Numpy/Scipy program was a function that basically did this np is numpy sp is scipy def mix1 signal1 signal2 spec1 np.fft.fft signal1 axis.. did this np is numpy sp is scipy def mix1 signal1 signal2 spec1 np.fft.fft signal1 axis 1 spec2 np.fft.fft signal2 axis 1.. def mix1 signal1 signal2 spec1 np.fft.fft signal1 axis 1 spec2 np.fft.fft signal2 axis 1 return np.fft.ifft spec1 spec2..
How to make python argparse mutually exclusive group arguments without prefix? argparse parser argparse.ArgumentParser prog 'mydaemon' sp parser.add_subparsers sp_start sp.add_parser 'start' help 'Starts.. prog 'mydaemon' sp parser.add_subparsers sp_start sp.add_parser 'start' help 'Starts prog s daemon' sp_stop.. prog 'mydaemon' sp parser.add_subparsers sp_start sp.add_parser 'start' help 'Starts prog s daemon' sp_stop sp.add_parser..
Use lxml to parse text file with bad header in Python it as say edgar.dtd . The first thing I'd do is install SP and use its tools to make sure that the documents really are.. But you can wrap up any C or C library I'd start with SP pretty easily as long as you're comfortable writing your own.. learn. Alternatively you can wrap up a command line tool. SP comes with nsgmls. There's another good tool written in perl..
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly isn't working def attributeSelection balance 25 print Your SP balance is currently 25. strength input How much SP do you want.. Your SP balance is currently 25. strength input How much SP do you want to put into strength strength int strength balanceAfterStrength.. balance strength if balanceAfterStrength 0 print Your SP balance is now 0. attributeConfirmation elif strength 0 print..
How do I develop against OAuth locally? needs to communicate with an OAuth service provider. The SP requires me to specify a callback URL. Specifying localhost..
What is the best way to access stored procedures in Django's ORM outside the scope of Django's ORM. Has anyone integrated SP's with Django's ORM successfully If so what RDBMS and how did.. make sense when you want to reuse tried and tested SP code or where one SP call will be faster than multiple calls.. you want to reuse tried and tested SP code or where one SP call will be faster than multiple calls to the database or where..
Fast Way to slice image into overlapping patches and merge patches to image import random as rand def get_indices_for_un_patchify sImg sP step ''' creates indices for fast patchifying and unpatchifying.. sImg # no. of patches which fit into the image sB sImg sP step step lb sB lp sP indImg2Patch np.zeros.. the image sB sImg sP step step lb sB lp sP indImg2Patch np.zeros lp lb indPatch np.reshape range lp lb..