python Programming Glossary: sources
Use of eval in Python? c. For example if I had to deal with such dynamic Python sources I'd reach for the ast module ast.literal_eval is MUCH safer..
Activate a virtualenv via fabric as deploy user use the workon command from virtualenvwrapper which sources the activate file and the postactivate file will put me in the..
How do I stop getting ImportError: Could not import settings 'mofin.settings' when using django with wsgi? callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source'..
Working with big data in python and numpy, not enough ram, how to save partial results on disc? more arrays to the same file controlling it from mutually sources if needed. But I've experiences some tricky things here. To..
What is the best project structure for a Python application? data such as config files Where do you put non Python sources such as C for pyd so binary extension modules python directory..
Fastest way to list all primes below N in python 530 True EDIT The rank so far pure python no external sources all primes below 1 million Sundaram's Sieve implementation by..
What python libraries can tell me approximate location and timezone given an IP address? addresses to cities . Their about page explains the data sources relied on to populate this database. Using HostIP there are..
How do I find the location of Python module sources? do I find the location of Python module sources How do I learn where the source file for a given Python module..
Simple wrapping of C code with cython Cython.Build import cythonize ext_modules Extension name f sources f.pyx fc.cpp # extra_objects fc.o # if you compile fc.cpp separately..
Building lxml for Python 2.7 on Windows lxml egg for Python 2.7 version. So I am compiling it from sources. I am following instructions on this site http
Is there a good NumPy clone for Jython? I've written some code to grab graph data from various sources to automate some weekly reports and forecasts. I've been intrigued..
Installing Python-2.7 on Ubuntu 10.4 to work properly find name zlib 2 dev null home username sources Python 2.7 Modules zlib home username sources Python 2.7 Demo.. username sources Python 2.7 Modules zlib home username sources Python 2.7 Demo zlib username@servername Thu Oct 28 18 43 17.. 2.7 Demo zlib username@servername Thu Oct 28 18 43 17 ~ sources find name zlibc 2 dev null usr share lintian overrides zlibc..
Python import MySQLdb error - Mac 10.6
MySQL — Joins Between Databases On Different Servers Using Python?
Adding Python Path on Windows 7 for the help. Reading the documentation and various other sources hasn't seemed to help Edit Just to clarify further I've appended..
How would you implement a basic event-loop? to use that you wouldn't be able to wait on several event sources simultaneously . How does the blocking work waitOnAll is a syscall..
Python multiprocessing: sharing a large read-only object between processes? is not as easy to write since it has to read from many sources. Reading from many named pipes is often done using the select..
img = AttributeError: class Image has no attribute 'open' styles getSampleStyleSheet Title Integrating Diverse Data Sources with Gadfly 2 Author Aaron Watters URL http
OpenCV 2.4 in python - Video processing took me like 5 hours or so just to install the package. Sources OpenCV 2.4 willow garage projects opencvlibrary..
Detect face then autocrop pictures work in progress. Also do you have any example images ''' Sources http 2012 05 08 pil to opencv image.. I tried to include lots of comments in the code ''' Sources http documentation python cookbook.html..
Using Windows 7 taskbar features in PyQt
Compiling Python 2.6.6 and need for external packages wxPython, setuptools, etc… in Ubuntu python configure make cd .. Tests make cd .. Sources mkdir p TARG lib python2.7 site packages pysvn cp pysvn
Tutorial or Guide for Scripting XCode Build Phases Phases I would like to add some files to the Compile Sources build phase using a script in XCode which pulls from some folder.. XCode build phases How can I add files to the Compile Sources phase How can I discover information about the project and the.. share improve this question To add files to the Compile Sources build phase using a script you will need to manipulate your..
Calculating with a SVG elipitical arc? the SVG command to something the arcTo method can use Sources W3C SVG QPainterPath python python 3.x pyqt4 share improve..