python Programming Glossary: signal.sigint
How do I capture SIGINT in Python? frame print 'You pressed Ctrl C ' sys.exit 0 signal.signal signal.SIGINT signal_handler print 'Press Ctrl C' signal.pause Code adapted..
How to create a menu and submenus in Python curses? Gomes # http # import signal signal.signal signal.SIGINT signal.SIG_IGN import os import sys import curses import traceback..
Screen scraping with Python QWebPage.__init__ self self.html None signal.signal signal.SIGINT signal.SIG_DFL self.connect self SIGNAL 'loadFinished bool '..
Capture keyboardinterrupt in Python without try-except frame print 'You pressed Ctrl C ' sys.exit 0 signal.signal signal.SIGINT signal_handler print 'Press Ctrl C' while True continue share..
What is the correct way to make my PyQt application quit when killed from the console (Ctrl-C)? QApplication.quit if __name__ __main__ signal.signal signal.SIGINT sigint_handler app QApplication sys.argv timer QTimer timer.start.. solution as pointed by LinearOrbit is signal.signal signal.SIGINT signal.SIG_DFL but it doesn't allow custom handlers. share..
child subprocess kill in python daemon