

python Programming Glossary: semantically

Compare similarity of terms/expressions using NLTK?


trying to compare terms expressions which would or not be semantically related these are not full sentences and not necessarily single..

Python performance: Try-except or not in?


just with much nicer looking code to use it. defaultdict semantically analogous to this dd class would be a performance win if it..

Why import when you need to use the full name?


both ways do essentially the same thing . This form is semantically more like what Java does it defines an alias set to something..

Are accessors in Python ever justified?


and an HgRevision and a GitRevision are very closely semantically linked and I want them to be able to do the same things so that..

if loop: x not in VS not x in [duplicate]


17 LOAD_CONST 0 None 20 RETURN_VALUE so obviously they're semantically identical. As a matter of style PEP 8 does not mention the issue...

non-technical benefits of having string-type immutable


never reference to a variable or other reference never semantically implicit copies c . Defining at least numbers as semantically.. implicit copies c . Defining at least numbers as semantically immutable preserves programmers' sanity as well as this precious..

Python : How to Pretty print html into a file


being generated by lxml the HTML code should be at least semantically correct. In the example given in my question I will have to..

Why does python use 'else' after for and while loops?


matching_objs 0 else print 'No object found.' It is not semantically equivalent to the other two versions but works good enough in..