

php Programming Glossary: zu

read XML tag id from php


Message Id TopMakeHomepage Mache 4W Consulting Webseite zu deiner Starseite Message Message Id TopLinkEmpSec 4W Mitarbeiter.. i need output as 'Mache 4W Consulting Webseite zu deiner Starseite ' ... Please help me to find out this . Thanks..

List of All Locales and Their Short Codes?


How to scrape specific data from scrape with simple html dom parser


aachen.de www.buergerstiftung aachen.de Weitere Details zu dieser Stiftung Bürgerstiftung Achim rechtsfähige Stiftung des.. achim.de www.buergerstiftung achim.de Weitere Details zu dieser Stiftung I need to have the data that are behind the..

List of available collators in PHP?


zh_Hans_SG zh_Hant zh_Hant_HK zh_Hant_MO zh_Hant_TW zu zu_ZA Or grouped af af_NA af_ZA ar ar_001 ar_AE ar_BH ar_DZ.. zh_Hans_SG zh_Hant zh_Hant_HK zh_Hant_MO zh_Hant_TW zu zu_ZA Or grouped af af_NA af_ZA ar ar_001 ar_AE ar_BH ar_DZ ar_EG.. pt_MZ pt_PT pt_ST st st_LS st_ZA sw sw_KE sw_TZ xh xh_ZA zu zu_ZA ru ru_MD ru_RU ru_UA se se_FI se_NO si si_LK sk sk_SK..