php Programming Glossary: zipcodes
Causes of MySQL error 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active false I sometimes get the following error Table Name zipcodes Error in query SELECT id FROM cities WHERE name AND states_id.. e echo sql_error e return self instance row array 'zipcodes_id' '55555' 'cities_id' 123 data array row row row row sql 'CREATE.. db db exec sql sql 'SELECT COUNT AS valid FROM cities_has_zipcodes WHERE cities_id AND zipcodes_id ' stmt1 db db prepare sql sql..
mySQL select zipcodes within x km/miles within range of y select zipcodes within x km miles within range of y Note Although I use a zipcode.. of y Note Although I use a zipcode database with Dutch zipcodes this question is country independent. I have a database with.. 808855 y coordinate 52 406332 Now I want to find all other zipcodes with range from baseZipCode . For example SELECT zipcode FROM..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field it populates the zipcode or postcode field with a range of zipcodes based on a state selection rather than a single zipcode based..