php Programming Glossary: voting
PHP Application URL Routing do it. I'll post some answers myself and hopefully the voting will help me decide whether these are good ideas or not but.. in PHP would be. Feel free to suggest methods aswell as voting any I add. If It's someone elses method I end up using I'll..
Hunting cheaters in a voting competition cheaters in a voting competition Currently we are running a competition which proceeds.. Any help would be very appreciated... php spam prevention voting share improve this question Direct feedback elimination.. tried this I just know that this isn't checked usually by voting sites. An example would be embedding img src a.gif in your html..
CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) attack example and prevention in PHP this http vote 30 token AZERTYUHQNWGST When the voting page is called Check if the token is present in the URL Check.. would be to only accept POST requests when people are voting The browser is sending GET requests for injected tags As this..
How to store an array into mysql? I want to store the arrays of user ids to prevent multiple votings. I'm going to create new table that holds the comment id and.. id exists in the voters array or note. If it does than the voting icons would be disabled. I think I'll prevent to use mysql query..
Retrieve (or simulate) full query from PDO prepared statement bug.php id 52384 in case anyone is interested in voting on it. Until it's fixed it seems like you are left to use query..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation be a neutral position because this is the same as just not voting Liking seems more relevant to bulletin replies that posts to..
Stack Overflow / reddit voting system in php Overflow reddit voting system in php I'm looking for examples of how to implement.. for examples of how to implement a StackOverflow reddit voting system in php. Basically I want the Up and Down arrow box. Are.. Down arrow box. Are there any good examples out there php voting share improve this question There are lots of scripts out..
Unique IPs in a voting system IPs in a voting system I'm creating a voting system for my PHP MySQL website.. IPs in a voting system I'm creating a voting system for my PHP MySQL website and I would like to make sure.. Any other suggestions are more than welcome. php mysql voting system share improve this question The Unobtainably Perfect..
Implementing a voting system without requiring registration a voting system without requiring registration I'd like to implement.. without requiring registration I'd like to implement a voting system on my site without having to force them to create an.. force them to create an account. They would ultimately be voting up down a piece of content which has a unique ID. I know that..