php Programming Glossary: separators
PHP: Allow only certain characters in string, without using regex preg_replace preg_replace ^... gu The slashes are required separators slashes are traditional but there's other things you can use..
Separate space-delimited words in a string words explode ' ' str But that does only accept fixed separators. split an preg_split do accept regular expressions so that your..
Parse form textarea by comma or new line Then why not simply use all three characters equally as separators and allow one or more of them php input '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'..
Fastest way to implode an associative array with keys would be like a URL query string but with customizable separators so I can use ' amp ' for xhtml links or ' ' otherwise. My first..
PHP mail() attachment problems
convert php date to mysql format got to work strototime because it will not work with dash separators it will try to do a subtraction. Update the way your date is..
Kohana 3.2. - How can I use hyphens in URIs differently particularly by Google who view hyphens as separators. Anyway eager to adapt my current project to meet this criteria..