php Programming Glossary: send_xml
facebook chat api - php errno br else print connnection open br return fp function send_xml fp xml fwrite fp xml function recv_xml fp size 4096 xml fread.. false initiates auth process using X FACEBOOK_PLATFORM send_xml fp STREAM_XML if find_xmpp fp 'STREAM STREAM' echo falss return.. return false starting tls MANDATORY TO USE OAUTH TOKEN send_xml fp START_TLS if find_xmpp fp 'PROCEED' null proceed return false..
Facebook XMPP Chat API send Message PHP errno br else print connnection open br return fp function send_xml fp xml fwrite fp xml function recv_xml fp size 4096 xml fread.. Opened br initiates auth process using X FACEBOOK_PLATFORM send_xml fp STREAM_XML if find_xmpp fp 'STREAM STREAM' return false print_r.. Found br starting tls MANDATORY TO USE OAUTH TOKEN send_xml fp START_TLS if find_xmpp fp 'PROCEED' null proceed return false..