

php Programming Glossary: postdata

Sending file from iOS to PHP using POST


filename recording urlString appendFormat @ @ data NSData postData urlString dataUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion.. YES NSString postLength NSString stringWithFormat @ d postData length NSString baseurl @ https www.yourWebAddress.com yourServerScript.php.. forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type urlRequest setHTTPBody postData NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest..

Sending additional variable to server with dataUrl


not been able to find anything about it. I am using both postData and editData to POST a variable to the server for form editing.. see the answer my pull request and the fix you can use postData as function. You can define it either inside of ajaxSelectOptions.. contentType application json dataType json type POST postData function rowid value name return JSON.stringify action popCodeAdjust..

arabic text getting stored as “???”


kSecAttrAccount imageSet salePV.selectedItem mauka.text postData post dataUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion.. YES postLength NSString stringWithFormat @ d postData length url NSURL URLWithString @ http www.smart kw.com sama.. forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length theRequest setHTTPBody postData NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest..

POST to webpage in vb.net (win forms, desktop, not ASP.net)


http ... POST Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes postData Dim response Encoding.ASCII.GetString responseArray The Wikipedia.. then using URL encoding on all other characters. So your postData variable can be filled like this assuming that the fields you.. you want to post are called Username and Password Dim postData String.Format Username 0 Password 1 _ HttpUtility.UrlEncode..

Reload AJAX data every X minutes/seconds, jQuery


side use .getJSON function refreshUsers .getJSON url postData function data textStatus Do something with the data Keep interval..

POST data to a PHP page from C# WinForm


what to do with ie it won't set it as _POST values string postData firstName HttpUtility.UrlEncode p.firstName lastName HttpUtility.UrlEncode.. p.deviceUUID byte byteArray Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes postData etc... this should get your _POST variable in PHP set. later.. when you switch to JSON you could do something like string postData json HttpUtility.UrlEncode serializer.Serialize p and grab from..

How to do a HTTP Post in Android?


msg box showing login error how can i do that public void postData Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient..

Send data from android to server via JSON


HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost Log.i postData response.getStatusLine .toString Could do something better..

Angular HTTP post to PHP and undefined


the JSON. That can be achieved in PHP like this postdata file_get_contents php input request json_decode postdata email.. postdata file_get_contents php input request json_decode postdata email request email pass request password Alternately if you..

ajax and php to enter multiple forms input to database


email i ' i php ajax share improve this question var postdata postdata 'num' x while i x postdata 'fname' i name i postdata.. i php ajax share improve this question var postdata postdata 'num' x while i x postdata 'fname' i name i postdata 'lname'.. this question var postdata postdata 'num' x while i x postdata 'fname' i name i postdata 'lname' i lname i postdata 'email'..

How to post data in PHP using file_get_contents?


the PHP manual at this page HTTP context options quoting postdata http_build_query array 'var1' 'some content' 'var2' 'doh' opts.. 'Content type application x www form urlencoded' 'content' postdata context stream_context_create opts result file_get_contents..

Login to remote site with PHP cURL


index.php page login cookie cookie.txt postdata email . username. password . password ch curl_init curl_setopt.. ch CURLOPT_REFERER url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS postdata curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST 1 result curl_exec ch echo result.. postlogin.php verify the values you have listed in ` postdata email . username. password . password ` and it should work just..

Does PHP flush work with jQuerys ajax?


call looks like this jQuery.ajax type get url url data postdata success function retval jQuery '#retdiv .html retval php..

Download file through an ajax call php


ajax ajax is function that has all the XML HTTP Requests postdata data document.getElementById id .value ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange.. Type' 'application x www form urlencoded' ajaxRequest.send postdata I create the csv file based on the user input. After it's created..

Wordpress autologin using CURL or fsockopen in PHP


admin url http www.yourdomain.com cookie cookie.txt postdata log . username . pwd . password . wp submit Log 20In redirect_to.. url . wp admin curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS postdata curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST 1 result curl_exec ch curl_close..

PHP curl post to login to Wordpress


password blog url http wordpressblogURL cookie cookie.txt postdata log . username . pwd . password . wp submit Log 20In redirect_to.. wordpress wp login.php curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS postdata curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST 1 result curl_exec ch curl_close..