php Programming Glossary: name1
PHP combine two associative arrays into one array two associative arrays into one array array1 array name1 id1 array2 array name2 id2 name3 id3 I need a new array combining.. array combining all together i.e. it would be array3 array name1 id1 name2 id2 name3 id3 What is the best way to do this Sorry..
multidimensional for loops in php for loop to access the actual name and tmp arrays... name1 name2 name3. I would like to be able to access each sub array..
Form validation action thank_you.php Name input type text size 28 name name1 E mail input type text size 28 name email1 br Name input type.. action thank_you.php Name input type text size 28 name name1 E mail input type text size 28 name email1 br Name input type..
PHP SOAP Transfering Files then print response coming from SOAP Server form name name1 method post action enctype multipart form data input type file..
How to get form input array into PHP array v foreach name as v print v i will get something like this name1name2name3email1email2email3 how can i get those arrays into.. n m return The name is n and email is m thank you a array name1 name2 name3 b array email1 email2 email3 c array_map show_Names.. a b print_r c so my my output is like this The name is name1 and email is email1 thank you The name is name2 and email is..
Make MySQL auto-increment id (re) start from 1 MySQL table which went like this id comment user 1 hello name1 2 bye name2 3 hola name3 Then I deleted the two first comments..
encode json using php? output json to be something like that results id 1 name name1 id 2 name name2 but the output json is look like the following.. output json is look like the following results id 1 name name1 id 2 name name2 As you realize that there is comma at the end.. result the json will generate like this results id 1 name name1 id 2 name name2 and that syntax is wrong too Hope that everybody..
php pdo prepare repetitive variables using something like query UPDATE users SET firstname name1 WHERE firstname name2 stmt dbh prepare query stmt execute array.. firstname name2 stmt dbh prepare query stmt execute array name1 Jackie name2 Jackie In certain cases such as emulated prepared..