php Programming Glossary: naive
PHP: Best random numbers so it can return a better random number compared to more naive implementations such as rand range . share improve this answer..
PHP - Returning the last line in a file? fread fgets share improve this question The simplest naive solution is simply file path to file data file file line data..
In PHP, is there a function that returns an array made up of the value of a key from an array of associative arrays? if the callback is neatly organized all is well. A less naive pluck would also check to see if it can call a function method.. can call a function method on the iterated value. In the naive implementation below we assume the structure to be a hash associative..
Secure login with proper authentication in PHP then I'll describe how modern authentication works. The naive method of authenticating a user is to store their password in..
What is the best way in PHP to read last lines from a file? different solutions. I can group them in three approaches naive ones that use file PHP function cheating ones that runs tail.. fseek . I ended up choosing or writing five solutions a naive one a cheating one and three mighty ones. The most concise naive.. one a cheating one and three mighty ones. The most concise naive solution using built in array functions. The only possible solution..
How should I store a user's LDAP password in a cookie? users to be able to log in for say 30 days at a time. The naive but insecure way to handle this is to store the username and..
How do I format an amount of milliseconds into minutes:seconds:milliseconds in PHP? this What you have here is a time interval not a date. The naive approach is to do something like this date h i s.u mytime 1000..
Search through PDF files with PHP any function for reading searching a filestream. So as naive as I am i tried to simple get a stream using file_get_contents..
I never really understood: what is CGI? gateway interface for everything. It is so trivial and naive from the name. I feel that I understood this and I felt this..
POSTing Form Fields with same Name Attribute can then use your own logic to parse this into an array. A naive approach would be post array foreach explode ' ' file_get_contents..
Regex for names as in a z . ^ A Z a zA Z Names with Apostophies D'Angelo A naive way of doing this would be as above giving ^ A Z 'a zA Z Don't.. interest at this stage. Here I'd be tempted to just do our naive way again ^ A Z ' a zA Z A potentially better way might be ^..
PHP/mySQL - how to fetch nested rows into multidimensinal array scale 'items' as item ... do stuff Note this is somewhat naive in that scale and item will both contain fields from BOTH tables.....
Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms in extractTo of the same sort that have affected most naive path based ZIP extractors. In addition you lay yourself open..
Mixing different categories results, ordered by score in MySQL ..... 2 93 121 ..... 7 89 197 ..... 2 92 . . . The first naive solution that comes in mind is performing 10 selects 1 for each..
What are the important differences between using fopen($url) and curl in PHP? also download and parse PHP code from remote sites. A naive coder could easily be caught out with code like php page _GET..
XSS - Which HTML Tags and Attributes can trigger Javascript Events? on XSS attacks and prevention and I hope I'm not being too naive if I am please let me know in assuming that if I follow all..