php Programming Glossary: maintainability
Displaying a table in PHP with repeated columns performance speed and memory usage for readability and maintainability. The algorithm is short and simple to understand. If performance..
Is switching from PHP to Python worth the trouble [closed] consistent . Code readability is IMHO strongly tied to maintainability as well. So that's a big plus. Obviously you can also write..
Should require_once “some file.php” ; appear anywhere but the top of the file? not better to have includes at the top for readability and maintainability php share improve this question It comes down to a matter..
Is it bad to include a lot of files in PHP like it is for file based Sessions? future oriented balance between runtime RAM usage the maintainability of the code and the effects of hard disk latency time I'd say..
SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node? the two matters separate you improve readability and maintainability. Here's how to extend SimpleXMLElement with a new method prependChild..
Efficiency for including files of functions (in PHP) functions. By better I mean more efficient for both maintainability and for the server processing the request. For example right.. share improve this question Definitely separate them for maintainability sake. I doubt performance will suffer at all but even if it..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] tutorial that is security accuracy and maintainability conscious closed Colleagues often ask me œbobince they say œI..
What is a class in PHP? interact with these. This fosters code reuse and improves maintainability. Imagine a Lock namespace MyExample class Lock private isLocked..
What are the pros and cons of storing files in a database? content type filename etc to improve re usability and maintainability. I wouldn't do that. The disk file system is much better suited..
Should I use a single or multiple database setup for a multi-client application? and the big ones on separate servers. A key factor for maintainability though is that you keep the schema identical in all databases...
What is the safest way of passing arguments from server-side PHP to client-size JavaScript me as very elegant and I am concerned about stability and maintainability of such code. Do I have any alternatives here For server side..
MVC: how much code should be in a view? for abstraction's sake. It is for reusability and maintainability. I've already pointed that out above but let me explain that.. step is just the natural next step to achive even more maintainability. A view template that contains logic is effectively a script..
Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP functions part 5 php vs mysql performance I'm looking at maintainability point of view. He's looking at speed which as the article points.. DISTINCT items Counting rows items php mysql performance maintainability share improve this question I'd play to the strengths of.. use each system for what it's built to do. In terms of maintainability as long as the division between what happens where is clear..
Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC? Each with own triad of M V and C. You gain modularity and maintainability but pay with some hit in performance. Anyway. The bottom line..