php Programming Glossary: mail_sent
PHP mail stopped working Mailer PHP ' . phpversion mail to subject message headers mail_sent @mail to subject message headers echo mail_sent Mail sent Mail.. headers mail_sent @mail to subject message headers echo mail_sent Mail sent Mail failed It displays Mail sent . I haven't touched..
PHP Send email with PDF attachment without creating the file? current output buffer message ob_get_clean send the email mail_sent @mail to subject message headers if the message is sent successfully.. print Mail sent . Otherwise print Mail failed echo mail_sent Mail sent Mail failed you will notice this line attachment chunk_split..
PHP E-Mail Encoding? to a mail function This is what I have at the moment. mail_sent mail client_email title message From visitor_email I am currently..
Sending HTML email from PHP current output buffer message ob_get_clean send the email mail_sent @mail to subject message headers if the message is sent successfully.. print Mail sent . Otherwise print Mail failed echo mail_sent Mail sent Mail failed php html email share improve this question..
php send e-mail with attachment attachment PHP mixed random_hash message ob_get_clean mail_sent @mail to subject message headers return mail_sent Mail sent.. mail_sent @mail to subject message headers return mail_sent Mail sent Mail failed Please please help me. Edit The problem..
Email PDF Attachment with PHP Using FPDF current output buffer message ob_get_clean send the email mail_sent @mail to subject message headers if the message is sent successfully.. print Mail sent . Otherwise print Mail failed echo mail_sent Mail sent Mail failed Anyone familiar with doing this I'm hoping..
Why mail fails in php? want passed. header From send the email mail_sent @mail to subject message if the message is sent successfully.. print Mail sent . Otherwise print Mail failed echo mail_sent Mail sent Mail failed it returns mail failed Please help me.. must be a genuine address send the email mail_sent mail to subject message header if the message is sent successfully..
Send PHP HTML mail with attachments current output buffer message ob_get_clean send the email mail_sent @mail to subject message headers if the message is sent successfully.. print Mail sent . Otherwise print Mail failed echo mail_sent Mail sent Mail failed As you can see sending an email with attachment..