php Programming Glossary: imagesx
Efficient JPEG Image Resizing in PHP get image size. img imagecreatefromjpeg sourcefile width imagesx img height imagesy img if width height newwidth thumbwidth divisor..
PHP - Replace colour within image or die 'Problem with source' out ImageCreateTrueColor imagesx src imagesy src or die 'Problem In Creating image' scan image.. 'Problem In Creating image' scan image pixels for x 0 x imagesx src x for y 0 y imagesy src y src_pix imagecolorat src x y src_pix_array..
Crop whitespace from image in PHP 0 b_lft 0 b_rt 0 top for b_top imagesy img b_top for x 0 x imagesx img x if imagecolorat img x b_top 0xFFFFFF break 2 out of the.. 'top' loop bottom for b_btm imagesy img b_btm for x 0 x imagesx img x if imagecolorat img x imagesy img b_btm 1 0xFFFFFF break.. 0xFFFFFF break 2 out of the 'bottom' loop left for b_lft imagesx img b_lft for y 0 y imagesy img y if imagecolorat img b_lft..
Get image color _GET 'filename' image imagecreatefromjpeg filename width imagesx image height imagesy image pixel imagecreatetruecolor 1 1 imagecopyresampled.. _GET 'filename' image imagecreatefromjpeg filename width imagesx image height imagesy image for y 0 y height y rgb imagecolorat..
Crop image in PHP thumb_width 200 thumb_height 150 width imagesx image height imagesy image original_aspect width height thumb_aspect..
Add 'Watermark' to images with php width of the stamp image marge_right 10 marge_bottom 10 sx imagesx stamp sy imagesy stamp Copy the stamp image onto our photo using.. to calculate positioning of the stamp. imagecopy im stamp imagesx im sx marge_right imagesy im sy marge_bottom 0 0 imagesx stamp.. imagesx im sx marge_right imagesy im sy marge_bottom 0 0 imagesx stamp imagesy stamp Output and free memory header 'Content type..
Super fast getimagesize in php 2.jpeg raw ranger url im imagecreatefromstring raw width imagesx im height imagesy im stop round microtime true start 5 echo..
PNG Transparency Resize with SimpleImage.php Class image true imagepng this image function getWidth return imagesx this image function getHeight return imagesy this image function..