php Programming Glossary: dumped
Incorrect Integer (2147483647) is inserted into MySQL? statements. Update Based on your comment of value being dumped the number you are trying to insert it too large for 32 bit..
PDO multiple queries been executed it can't be that the second one was just dumped. db query SELECT 1 SELECT 2 fetchAll PDO FETCH_ASSOC Returns..
Accessing package controllers in Laravel 4 the src controllers folder to the composer classmap then I dumped the autoloader and checked vendor composer autoload_classmap.php..
BOM in a PHP page auto generated by Wordpress and . To explain my problem I've dumped with SmartSniff a session with each one of the sites. Here is..
Outlook Marking Email as Junk Email basic test we could run and the above generated email gets dumped into the Outlook Junk Email folder. We have reverse DNS on the..
Security of PHP script, embedded or otherwise the site across servers and the PHP files have been dumped into a folder that's not set up to execute PHP. This is the..
PDO::fetchAll vs. PDO::fetch in a loop this and whether or not fetchAll is simply a PHP side loop dumped into an array. Any help php mysql pdo fetch share improve..
Creating a shopping cart price rule in Magento automatically 'salesrule rule' load 1 var_dump coupon getData Using the dumped data as a guide we can programatically create a model using..
xPath finds nothing but * simplexml_load_string data var_dump newXML xpath ID I've dumped only newXML and gotten tons of data but the only xPath I've.. xml xpath simplexml share improve this question I've dumped only newXML and gotten tons of data but the only xPath I've..
Portable (PHPass) password hashes. Should I use them? It means that once created user database cannot be dumped and exported to another server. This behavior can be changed..
How do I upgrade APC on Zend Community Server (needed for Symfony2)? has their own bytecode in some extensions like APC . I dumped Zend Server CE and switched to MAMP after all. Give my working..
php duplicate checking before insert my result always comes back as item already exists. I dumped dupesql and copy pasted the command into phpmyadmin which comes..
Improve password hashing with a random salt to reverse the hash to plain text it means he probably dumped your database then got access to your random salts also Isn't..
How to access Magento customer's session from outside Magento? I checked the following cookie path is set to ' ' I dumped the session variable and didn't get wiser As described here..