php Programming Glossary: arbitrarily
how to generate a soap request in php from this xml? improve this question SoapHeader treats arrays rather arbitrarily. If you ever want to use an array consider using ArrayObject..
Security threats with uploads meta data. Never let anybody or anything access the file arbitrarily. For example if an attacker uploads a malicious.php file to..
Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way alternative data models that make it much easier to fetch arbitrarily deep trees Closure Table Nested Sets aka Modified Preorder Tree..
How do I check if a longitude/latitude point is within a range of coordinates? is the normal vector of the coordinate's great circle. arbitrarily defining the north pole as 0 1 0 and 0'N 0'E as 1 0 0 lattidues..
Scalable, Delayed PHP Processing to days Handle creation updating deletion of events arbitrarily I'm expecting a high amount of canceled call . Handle high load..
How to find GMT date/time by country name? you'll notice that even this page doesn't even select one arbitrarily for some countries like the U.S.A. share improve this answer..
twig - pass function into template your presentation from your logic and data. If you can arbitrarily call functions then you suddenly increase that coupling which..
What is the best way to handle this: large download via PHP + slow connection from client = script timeout before file is completely downloaded loop. I also don't want to keep pushing out the timeout arbitrarily for some catch all lowest common denominator connection rate..
Arithmetic with Arbitrarily Large Integers in PHP PHP Ok so PHP isn't the best language to be dealing with arbitrarily large integers in considering that it only natively supports.. to do though is create a class that could represent an arbitrarily large binary number and be able to perform simple arithmetic..
how do i print currency format in php in my opinion because it requires the installation of arbitrarily named locale packages on server side. If you want to seriously..
PHP variable length arguments? args # do something do_something 1 2 3 4 5 ... # arbitrarily long list I was reading the PHP manual and it said this PHP..
Parse SELECT clause of SQL queries into a PHP array calls conditional logic etc. all of which can be nested arbitrarily deep with commas and parentheses all over. http
What's the best way to fork/thread in PHP on Win? could also set your max execution time via ini_set to some arbitrarily high number and or keep your own watchdog counter so that you..
Assign to an arbitrarily deep array index? to an arbitrarily deep array index If I have an array which corresponds to successively..
Random color generation using PHP base number Generate 3 random numbers between 1 and 25 arbitrarily deciding whether they will be positive or negative Add those..
PHP: Remote Function Call and returning the result? in there to ensure no third party can run the function arbitrarily on the 2nd server. To send the request you could use cURL function..
Can you create instance properties dynamically in PHP? this case dynamic and you could also assign a value to an arbitrarily named property in which case the __set method is silently invoked...