php Programming Glossary: accross
Manipulate an Archive in memory with PHP (without creating a temporary file on disk) obscure solution and decided to share it here. I came accross the great zip.lib.php unzip.lib.php scripts which come with..
Extract form fields using RegEx to begin by something simple an input tag it can spread accross several lines it can have many attributes condirering only name..
Search through PDF files with PHP trying to find a way to search inside PDF files. I came accross the PHP PDF class but I can't seem to find any function for..
Is OOP worth using in PHP? styles for the most part are easily able to be transferred accross languages. People don't use coding styles because they use a..
Sharing a session between Ruby and PHP question If you want to share sessions in that manner accross PHP Java Ruby etc you need to save sessions and access them..
How do I get my Facebook application to automatically ask for the required permissions post installation documentation is the worst documentation I've ever come accross. Nothing works. Something this idiotically simple should not..
PHP Best way to cache MySQL results? some optimisation features for it. One dilema I have come accross is what is the best way to cache MySQL results I know some people..
How can I have Github on my own server? I could fix them up to be more like Github but I ran accross something in PHP that looks promising so far. It is called Glip..