jquery Programming Glossary: wh
Multiple rows with jcarousel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/213680/multiple-rows-with-jcarousel Add to default options moduleWidth null rows null Then set when creating jCarousel '.columns2.rows2 .mycarousel' .jcarousel.. function e o if li.size 0 ... moduleCount li.size wh this.options.moduleWidth Math.ceil moduleCount this.options.rows.. Math.ceil moduleCount this.options.rows wh wh this.options.moduleWidth this.list.css this.wh wh 'px' Only..
Removing an item from jCarousel plug-in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2645980/removing-an-item-from-jcarousel-plug-in the right you'll see an emtpy scroll eventually and that's what I'm trying to get rid of. I've tried using the remove jQuery.. changing the css to display none but that produces a weird white blank space where the item used to be. If you look at the.. display none but that produces a weird white blank space where the item used to be. If you look at the jquery.jcarousel.js..
Fix for jQuery splitter in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5321284/fix-for-jquery-splitter-in-ie9 This issue is with regards to multiple pane splitter which was working fine in all browsers except IE9. The widths for.. with another fix required for jQuery 1.6 . Here is what I did I added the function function browser_resize_auto_fired.. function function browser_resize_auto_fired Returns true when the browser natively fires the resize event attached to the..
Detect middle button click (scroll button) with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5392442/detect-middle-button-click-scroll-button-with-jquery a tags to play some mp3 files onclick. It is working fine when binding on the 'click' event with jQuery oo.data '__mp3play'.. o.ajaxPlayList h .length .bind 'click' function var wh j this .data 'wapiHandle' if typeof o.regObjects wh 'object'.. var wh j this .data 'wapiHandle' if typeof o.regObjects wh 'object' o.regObjects wh .play this.href return false When..
Pop Images like Google Images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7411393/pop-images-like-google-images el.position .top 6 var h el.height var w el.width var wh checkwh h w wh w h resize 2 wh w resize h 2 this .clone .prependTo.. .top 6 var h el.height var w el.width var wh checkwh h w wh w h resize 2 wh w resize h 2 this .clone .prependTo.. 6 var h el.height var w el.width var wh checkwh h w wh w h resize 2 wh w resize h 2 this .clone .prependTo ibox ibox.css..
Multiple rows with jcarousel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/213680/multiple-rows-with-jcarousel by the number of rows. Code added to jCarousel function... Add to default options moduleWidth null rows null Then set when creating jCarousel '.columns2.rows2 .mycarousel' .jcarousel scroll 1 moduleWidth 290 rows 2 itemLoadCallback tonyTest.. tonyTest animation 'slow' The find and edit the lines in .jcarousel function e o if li.size 0 ... moduleCount li.size wh this.options.moduleWidth Math.ceil moduleCount this.options.rows wh wh this.options.moduleWidth this.list.css this.wh wh.. function e o if li.size 0 ... moduleCount li.size wh this.options.moduleWidth Math.ceil moduleCount this.options.rows wh wh this.options.moduleWidth this.list.css this.wh wh 'px' Only set if not explicitly passed as option if o o.size undefined..
Removing an item from jCarousel plug-in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2645980/removing-an-item-from-jcarousel-plug-in gone here . Try deleting a few items and then scrolling to the right you'll see an emtpy scroll eventually and that's what I'm trying to get rid of. I've tried using the remove jQuery function instead of changing the css to display none but.. of. I've tried using the remove jQuery function instead of changing the css to display none but that produces a weird white blank space where the item used to be. If you look at the jquery.jcarousel.js on line 400 you'll see a remove function.. the remove jQuery function instead of changing the css to display none but that produces a weird white blank space where the item used to be. If you look at the jquery.jcarousel.js on line 400 you'll see a remove function but I'm not sure..
Fix for jQuery splitter in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5321284/fix-for-jquery-splitter-in-ie9 for jQuery splitter in IE9 Update This issue is with regards to multiple pane splitter which was working fine in all browsers except IE9. The widths for the right pane children do not resize accordingly upon window.. getting the plug in working until I combined garlon4's solution with another fix required for jQuery 1.6 . Here is what I did I added the function function browser_resize_auto_fired Returns true when the browser natively fires the resize.. fix required for jQuery 1.6 . Here is what I did I added the function function browser_resize_auto_fired Returns true when the browser natively fires the resize event attached to the panes elements return .browser.msie parseInt .browser.version..
Detect middle button click (scroll button) with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5392442/detect-middle-button-click-scroll-button-with-jquery button click scroll button with jQuery I have a list with a tags to play some mp3 files onclick. It is working fine when binding on the 'click' event with jQuery oo.data '__mp3play' true 'wapiHandle' h 0 'wapiIndex' o.ajaxPlayList h .length.. with jQuery oo.data '__mp3play' true 'wapiHandle' h 0 'wapiIndex' o.ajaxPlayList h .length .bind 'click' function var wh j this .data 'wapiHandle' if typeof o.regObjects wh 'object' o.regObjects wh .play this.href return false When clicking.. 'wapiIndex' o.ajaxPlayList h .length .bind 'click' function var wh j this .data 'wapiHandle' if typeof o.regObjects wh 'object' o.regObjects wh .play this.href return false When clicking the left mouse button It disables default handling..
Pop Images like Google Images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7411393/pop-images-like-google-images elX el.position .left 6 6 CSS#ibox padding border elY el.position .top 6 var h el.height var w el.width var wh checkwh h w wh w h resize 2 wh w resize h 2 this .clone .prependTo ibox ibox.css top elY 'px' left elX 'px' ibox.stop.. el.position .left 6 6 CSS#ibox padding border elY el.position .top 6 var h el.height var w el.width var wh checkwh h w wh w h resize 2 wh w resize h 2 this .clone .prependTo ibox ibox.css top elY 'px' left elX 'px' ibox.stop .fadeTo.. .left 6 6 CSS#ibox padding border elY el.position .top 6 var h el.height var w el.width var wh checkwh h w wh w h resize 2 wh w resize h 2 this .clone .prependTo ibox ibox.css top elY 'px' left elX 'px' ibox.stop .fadeTo 200..