jquery Programming Glossary: transform
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css width 100 bottom 0 font weight bold text align center text transform capitalize background color rgba 255 255 255 0.8 border top..
jQuery Webpage Preview [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3162815/jquery-webpage-preview style #frame width 800px height 520px border none moz transform scale 0.2 moz transform origin 0 0 o transform scale 0.2 o transform.. 800px height 520px border none moz transform scale 0.2 moz transform origin 0 0 o transform scale 0.2 o transform origin 0 0 webkit.. none moz transform scale 0.2 moz transform origin 0 0 o transform scale 0.2 o transform origin 0 0 webkit transform scale 0.2..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523747/webkit-and-jquery-draggable-jumping 200 Math.random 'px' height 10 10 Math.random 'px' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' 180.. 'px' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate.. ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' '.items' .draggable The dragging..
jQuery: how do I animate a div rotation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3789984/jquery-how-do-i-animate-a-div-rotation improve this question Make use of WebkitTransform moz transform rotate Xdeg . This will not work in IE but Matt's zachstronaut.. 'deg ' For Mozilla browser e.g. Firefox elie.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' Animate rotation with a recursive..
Rotating a Div Element in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/382591/rotating-a-div-element-in-jquery question To rotate a DIV Make use of WebkitTransform moz transform rotate Xdeg . This will not work in IE. The Raphael library.. 'deg ' For Mozilla browser e.g. Firefox elie.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' Animate rotation with a recursive..
Animate element transform rotate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5462275/animate-element-transform-rotate element transform rotate How would I rotate an element with a jQuery's .animate.. animating the opacity correctly but does this support CSS3 transforms element .animate opacity 0.25 MozTransform 'rotate ' amount.. .animate opacity 0.25 MozTransform 'rotate ' amount 'deg ' transform 'rotate ' amount 'deg ' jquery transform share improve this..
How to show loading spinner in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68485/how-to-show-loading-spinner-in-jquery Stop should only be attached to document . This would transform the above snippet to var loading '#loadingDiv' .hide document..
jQuery Mobile lock orientation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7009743/jquery-mobile-lock-orientation orientation 0 180 orientation 'body' .css webkit transform rotate new_orientation deg This is a risky way but thinks its.. orientation 0 180 orientation 'body' .css webkit transform rotate new_orientation deg I wrote this little script a while..
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale Drag Resize with CSS Transform Scale I am applying a CSS transform and the browser specific..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript the following code that applies a XSLT style Test.Xml.xslTransform function xml xsl try code for IE if window.ActiveXObject ex.. recomended that I use the http plugins.jquery.com project Transform plugin. I am trying to use the client side libary as the example.. The code works in IE but still not in chrome. Test.Xml.xslTransform function xml xsl try body .append div id 'test' style 'display..
Can I conditionally change the character entered into an input on keypress? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3923089/can-i-conditionally-change-the-character-entered-into-an-input-on-keypress charCode 32 var keyChar String.fromCharCode charCode Transform typed character var mappedChar transformTypedChar keyChar var..
Transform in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5610171/transform-in-jquery in jQuery I'm trying to get an element to animate a rotation..
Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456538/origin-null-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin stylesheet version 1.0 xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform exclude result prefixes yweather xmlns yweather http xml.weather.yahoo.com..
How to manipulate with UL with jQuery in XML+XSL generated HTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9834487/how-to-manipulate-with-ul-with-jquery-in-xmlxsl-generated-html xsl stylesheet xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xmlns xs http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns http www.w3.org..
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css 2px #sectors div after display block position absolute width 100 bottom 0 font weight bold text align center text transform capitalize background color rgba 255 255 255 0.8 border top 2px solid content attr id ' ' attr class #sectors div nth of..
jQuery Webpage Preview [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3162815/jquery-webpage-preview For example html head if IE style #frame zoom 0.2 style endif style #frame width 800px height 520px border none moz transform scale 0.2 moz transform origin 0 0 o transform scale 0.2 o transform origin 0 0 webkit transform scale 0.2 webkit transform.. if IE style #frame zoom 0.2 style endif style #frame width 800px height 520px border none moz transform scale 0.2 moz transform origin 0 0 o transform scale 0.2 o transform origin 0 0 webkit transform scale 0.2 webkit transform origin 0 0 style head.. 0.2 style endif style #frame width 800px height 520px border none moz transform scale 0.2 moz transform origin 0 0 o transform scale 0.2 o transform origin 0 0 webkit transform scale 0.2 webkit transform origin 0 0 style head body iframe id frame..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523747/webkit-and-jquery-draggable-jumping .css top 80 Math.random ' ' left 80 Math.random ' ' width 100 200 Math.random 'px' height 10 10 Math.random 'px' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random.. ' ' width 100 200 Math.random 'px' height 10 10 Math.random 'px' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' '.items' .draggable The dragging.. 'px' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' 180 Math.random 'deg ' '.items' .draggable The dragging works but I am noticing a sudden jump while dragging..
jQuery: how do I animate a div rotation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3789984/jquery-how-do-i-animate-a-div-rotation .rotate but i don't know how to animate it. jquery share improve this question Make use of WebkitTransform moz transform rotate Xdeg . This will not work in IE but Matt's zachstronaut solution doesn't work in IE either. If you want to support.. browsers e.g. Chrome elie.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' For Mozilla browser e.g. Firefox elie.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' Animate rotation with a recursive call timer setTimeout function degree rotate 5 Toggle rotation..
Rotating a Div Element in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/382591/rotating-a-div-element-in-jquery jquery ajax dom canvas jquery animate share improve this question To rotate a DIV Make use of WebkitTransform moz transform rotate Xdeg . This will not work in IE. The Raphael library does work with IE and it does rotation . I believe it uses canvas.. browsers e.g. Chrome elie.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' For Mozilla browser e.g. Firefox elie.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' Animate rotation with a recursive call setTimeout function rotate degree 5 jsFiddle example Note..
Animate element transform rotate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5462275/animate-element-transform-rotate element transform rotate How would I rotate an element with a jQuery's .animate I'm using the line below which is currently animating the.. .animate I'm using the line below which is currently animating the opacity correctly but does this support CSS3 transforms element .animate opacity 0.25 MozTransform 'rotate ' amount 'deg ' transform 'rotate ' amount 'deg ' jquery transform.. correctly but does this support CSS3 transforms element .animate opacity 0.25 MozTransform 'rotate ' amount 'deg ' transform 'rotate ' amount 'deg ' jquery transform share improve this question As far as I know basic animates can't animate..
How to show loading spinner in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68485/how-to-show-loading-spinner-in-jquery Update As of jQuery 1.8 the documentation states that .ajaxStart Stop should only be attached to document . This would transform the above snippet to var loading '#loadingDiv' .hide document .ajaxStart function loading.show .ajaxStop function loading.hide..
jQuery Mobile lock orientation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7009743/jquery-mobile-lock-orientation function var orientation window.orientation var new_orientation orientation 0 180 orientation 'body' .css webkit transform rotate new_orientation deg This is a risky way but thinks its the only way.. Hope this helps please let me know See http.. function var orientation window.orientation var new_orientation orientation 0 180 orientation 'body' .css webkit transform rotate new_orientation deg I wrote this little script a while ago It fix the multiply resize callback bug in iOS safari..
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale Drag Resize with CSS Transform Scale I am applying a CSS transform and the browser specific webkit o etc transform matrix 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 to a div then..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript and Safari XSLT using JavaScript I have the following code that applies a XSLT style Test.Xml.xslTransform function xml xsl try code for IE if window.ActiveXObject ex xml.transformNode xsl return ex code for Mozilla Firefox Opera.. working I will paste progress here Update It has been recomended that I use the http plugins.jquery.com project Transform plugin. I am trying to use the client side libary as the example of include works here http daersystems.com jquery transform.. include works here http daersystems.com jquery transform . The code works in IE but still not in chrome. Test.Xml.xslTransform function xml xsl try body .append div id 'test' style 'display none ' div var a #test .transform xmlobj xml xslobj xsl..
Can I conditionally change the character entered into an input on keypress? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3923089/can-i-conditionally-change-the-character-entered-into-an-input-on-keypress typeof evt.which number evt.which evt.keyCode if charCode charCode 32 var keyChar String.fromCharCode charCode Transform typed character var mappedChar transformTypedChar keyChar var start end if typeof this.selectionStart number typeof this.selectionEnd..
Transform in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5610171/transform-in-jquery in jQuery I'm trying to get an element to animate a rotation hover effect using jquery I have this jsFiddle going to test...
Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456538/origin-null-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin http weather.yahooapis.com forecastrss w 38325 u c xsl stylesheet version 1.0 xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform exclude result prefixes yweather xmlns yweather http xml.weather.yahoo.com ns rss 1.0 xmlns geo http www.w3.org 2003 01..
How to manipulate with UL with jQuery in XML+XSL generated HTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9834487/how-to-manipulate-with-ul-with-jquery-in-xmlxsl-generated-html href a.xsl type text xsl root This is the a.xsl stylesheet xsl stylesheet xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xmlns xs http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml version 2.0 exclude result prefixes xs xsl output..