jquery Programming Glossary: textarea.css
Given a textarea, is there a way to restrict length based on # of lines? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7519337/given-a-textarea-is-there-a-way-to-restrict-length-based-on-of-lines 0 return var areaWidth textarea.width var oldHeight textarea.css height var oldOverflow textarea.css overflow y var lineHeight.. var oldHeight textarea.css height var oldOverflow textarea.css overflow y var lineHeight parseFloat textarea.css line height.. textarea.css overflow y var lineHeight parseFloat textarea.css line height var maxTxtHeight maxLines lineHeight px Calculations..
Given a textarea, is there a way to restrict length based on # of lines? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7519337/given-a-textarea-is-there-a-way-to-restrict-length-based-on-of-lines JQuery is required if isNaN maxLines isFinite maxLines maxLines 0 return var areaWidth textarea.width var oldHeight textarea.css height var oldOverflow textarea.css overflow y var lineHeight parseFloat textarea.css line height var maxTxtHeight maxLines.. isFinite maxLines maxLines 0 return var areaWidth textarea.width var oldHeight textarea.css height var oldOverflow textarea.css overflow y var lineHeight parseFloat textarea.css line height var maxTxtHeight maxLines lineHeight px Calculations for an.. textarea.width var oldHeight textarea.css height var oldOverflow textarea.css overflow y var lineHeight parseFloat textarea.css line height var maxTxtHeight maxLines lineHeight px Calculations for an efficient determination var fontstyles font size..