jquery Programming Glossary: targetselector
Efficiently Detect When Sibling Elements Overlap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1560926/efficiently-detect-when-sibling-elements-overlap is overlapping a target element function findIntersectors targetSelector intersectorsSelector var intersectors var target targetSelector.. intersectorsSelector var intersectors var target targetSelector var tAxis target.offset var t_x tAxis.left tAxis.left target.outerWidth..
i want to write a reusable function [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17588362/i-want-to-write-a-reusable-function 0 0 0 0 function applyHoverStyles triggerSelector targetSelector mouseOverStyle mouseOutStyle triggerSelector .mouseover function.. mouseOutStyle triggerSelector .mouseover function targetSelector .css mouseOverStyle triggerSelector .mouseout function targetSelector..
jQuery find value then replace SRC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4508323/jquery-find-value-then-replace-src Args boxSelector The selector that finds the select box targetSelector The selector that finds the target img function setupSelectWithImages.. the target img function setupSelectWithImages boxSelector targetSelector var box Get the select box box boxSelector Preload the images.. .attr 'data image' if entry display Setting src to entry targetSelector .attr 'src' entry Done with box box undefined Another general..
Efficiently Detect When Sibling Elements Overlap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1560926/efficiently-detect-when-sibling-elements-overlap This formula will detect if any of the specified elements is overlapping a target element function findIntersectors targetSelector intersectorsSelector var intersectors var target targetSelector var tAxis target.offset var t_x tAxis.left tAxis.left target.outerWidth.. overlapping a target element function findIntersectors targetSelector intersectorsSelector var intersectors var target targetSelector var tAxis target.offset var t_x tAxis.left tAxis.left target.outerWidth var t_y tAxis.top tAxis.top target.outerHeight intersectorsSelector..
i want to write a reusable function [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17588362/i-want-to-write-a-reusable-function '#table one' boxShadow 0 0 5px 3px rgba 100 100 200 0.4 boxShadow 0 0 0 0 function applyHoverStyles triggerSelector targetSelector mouseOverStyle mouseOutStyle triggerSelector .mouseover function targetSelector .css mouseOverStyle triggerSelector .mouseout..
jQuery find value then replace SRC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4508323/jquery-find-value-then-replace-src data image attributes for their images which are precached. Args boxSelector The selector that finds the select box targetSelector The selector that finds the target img function setupSelectWithImages boxSelector targetSelector var box Get the select.. finds the select box targetSelector The selector that finds the target img function setupSelectWithImages boxSelector targetSelector var box Get the select box box boxSelector Preload the images preloadImages box.find 'option' 'data image' Ensure we show.. setCurrentImage var entry this .find 'option selected' .attr 'data image' if entry display Setting src to entry targetSelector .attr 'src' entry Done with box box undefined Another general purpose function preloads the images defined by the given..