jquery Programming Glossary: stype
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 'checkbox' editoptions value 'Yes No' defaultValue 'Yes' stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' 'ne' value ' All true Yes false.. value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' defaultValue 'Intime' stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim'..
Detect key event (Enter) with JQuery in Javascript (on Linux platform) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1248100/detect-key-event-enter-with-jquery-in-javascript-on-linux-platform if d.trim n var m to h.buddyInfo.id from h.myInfo.id stype msg body g_debug_num parseInt h.buddyInfo.id n timestamp new..
reloading dataurl elements in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13692177/reloading-dataurl-elements-in-jqgrid cache false ... colModel name 'foo' index 'foo' width 25 stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' dataUrl 'someurl.htm columnName..
JQ grid, marking row/column as dirty so that can be returned using .getChangedCells('dirty') http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14703082/jq-grid-marking-row-column-as-dirty-so-that-can-be-returned-using-getchangedce select editoptions value pptyTypeStr formatter 'select' stype 'select' name 'area' index 'area' width 50 align center sorttype.. true sortable true edittype select formatter 'select' stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' dataInit function el var.. true editable true edittype select formatter 'select' stype 'select' editoptions value interestedStr name 'dateAborted'..
jqGrid: using beforeProcessing to populate filterToolbar selection boxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17407378/jqgrid-using-beforeprocessing-to-populate-filtertoolbar-selection-boxes index 'Product' width 125 sortable true editable true stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All ' prodValues sopt 'eq' formatter.. index 'Environment' width 100 sortable true editable true stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All ' envValues sopt 'eq' formatter.. 'Type' index 'Type' width 75 sortable true editable true stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All ' typeValues sopt 'eq' formatter..
Access row data in jqGrid custom formatter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4036751/access-row-data-in-jqgrid-custom-formatter false name 'expiry' index 'expiry' width 60 align 'right' stype 'select' searchoptions dataUrl 'expiry_select.htm' sortable..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box name 'country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' stype 'select' edittype 'select' searchoptions value allCountries.. 'change' name 'state' width 100 formatter 'select' stype 'select' editable true edittype 'select' editoptions value states..
can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328072/can-jqgrid-support-dropdowns-in-the-toolbar-filter-fields 'Category' index 'Category' width 200 formatter 'select' stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' value categoriesStr where categoriesStr.. function columnName grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' columnName stype 'select' searchoptions value buildSearchSelect getUniqueNames..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add editoptions value All 1 Stockist 2 Orchid Day search true stype 'select' sopt 'eq' searchoptions value All 1 Stockist 2 Orchid.. 'Name_mdt' align left width 150 editable true search true stype 'text' sopt 'cn' name 'geoaddr_mdt' index 'geoaddr_mdt' width.. editoptions value '1' 'Flagged' '0' 'No Flag' search true stype 'select' searchoptions value '' 'All' '1' 'Flagged' '0' 'No..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 70 align 'center' editable true formatter 'checkbox' edittype 'checkbox' editoptions value 'Yes No' defaultValue 'Yes' stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' 'ne' value ' All true Yes false No' name 'ship_via' index 'ship_via' width 100 align 'center'.. editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' defaultValue 'Intime' stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' name 'note' index 'note' width 60 sortable false editable true..
Detect key event (Enter) with JQuery in Javascript (on Linux platform) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1248100/detect-key-event-enter-with-jquery-in-javascript-on-linux-platform undefined g_debug_num parseInt h.buddyInfo.id 1 if d.trim n var m to h.buddyInfo.id from h.myInfo.id stype msg body g_debug_num parseInt h.buddyInfo.id n timestamp new Date .getTime g.addHistory m k.val g.trigger sendMessage..
reloading dataurl elements in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13692177/reloading-dataurl-elements-in-jqgrid .jqGrid url 'dataurl.htm' datatype 'json' ajaxSelectOptions cache false ... colModel name 'foo' index 'foo' width 25 stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' dataUrl 'someurl.htm columnName foo' However when I call #mygrid .trigger reloadGrid it..
JQ grid, marking row/column as dirty so that can be returned using .getChangedCells('dirty') http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14703082/jq-grid-marking-row-column-as-dirty-so-that-can-be-returned-using-getchangedce align center width 80 sortable true editable true edittype select editoptions value pptyTypeStr formatter 'select' stype 'select' name 'area' index 'area' width 50 align center sorttype integer editable true editrules custom true custom_func.. index 'nationality_Code' width 80 align center editable true sortable true edittype select formatter 'select' stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' dataInit function el var defOption option contains defaultCategory el defOption.attr.. 'interested' index 'interested' align center width 70 sortable true editable true edittype select formatter 'select' stype 'select' editoptions value interestedStr name 'dateAborted' index 'dateAborted' align center width 75 sorttype date sortable..
jqGrid: using beforeProcessing to populate filterToolbar selection boxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17407378/jqgrid-using-beforeprocessing-to-populate-filtertoolbar-selection-boxes true editable false key true sorttype 'int' name 'Product' index 'Product' width 125 sortable true editable true stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All ' prodValues sopt 'eq' formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value prodValues.. prodValues editrules required true name 'Environment' index 'Environment' width 100 sortable true editable true stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All ' envValues sopt 'eq' formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value envValues.. true editable true editrules required true name 'Type' index 'Type' width 75 sortable true editable true stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All ' typeValues sopt 'eq' formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value typeValues..
Access row data in jqGrid custom formatter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4036751/access-row-data-in-jqgrid-custom-formatter name 'type' index 'type' width 50 align 'right' sortable false name 'expiry' index 'expiry' width 60 align 'right' stype 'select' searchoptions dataUrl 'expiry_select.htm' sortable false name 'putCall' index 'putCall' width 65 sortable false..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box 'local' colModel name 'name' width 200 editable true name 'country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' stype 'select' edittype 'select' searchoptions value allCountries dataInit function elem removeAllOption elem dataEvents type.. .val e.target type 'keyup' fn function e e.target .trigger 'change' name 'state' width 100 formatter 'select' stype 'select' editable true edittype 'select' editoptions value states searchoptions value allStates dataInit function elem..
can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328072/can-jqgrid-support-dropdowns-in-the-toolbar-filter-fields are some common rules for all types of sorting in jqGrid name 'Category' index 'Category' width 200 formatter 'select' stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' value categoriesStr where categoriesStr are defined as var categoriesStr All 1 sport 2.. function values this this return values setSearchSelect function columnName grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' columnName stype 'select' searchoptions value buildSearchSelect getUniqueNames columnName sopt 'eq' grid.jqGrid data mydata datatype..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add true editable true edittype select formatter 'select' editoptions value All 1 Stockist 2 Orchid Day search true stype 'select' sopt 'eq' searchoptions value All 1 Stockist 2 Orchid Day name 'Name_mdt' index 'Name_mdt' align left width 150.. value All 1 Stockist 2 Orchid Day name 'Name_mdt' index 'Name_mdt' align left width 150 editable true search true stype 'text' sopt 'cn' name 'geoaddr_mdt' index 'geoaddr_mdt' width 150 align left editable true search false edittype textarea.. 20 align left sortable true editable true edittype select editoptions value '1' 'Flagged' '0' 'No Flag' search true stype 'select' searchoptions value '' 'All' '1' 'Flagged' '0' 'No Flag' value Both 1 Flagged 0 No Flag name 'description_mdt'..